Business & Travel

Why Travel more as a Business professional?

Wherever you are a Manager, a Seller, a Marketing professional, in Public Relations or in Human Ressources, you are in the commerce of People.

  • Where are you the most exposed to the People you need to listen to?
  • Who are these future Customers?
  • How much diversity do you need to develop commercial empathy?
  • Do you need to travel very far to find different types of cultures?

  • Do you have a branch in Barcelona?
  • Will you open a business unit in Milan?
  • Are you familiar with the Context & the Culture of Cologne?
  • Have you began a Localization campaign in Tokyo?
  • The next time you have a business dinner in Southern France wouldn’t it look amazing if you could order in French while you display your knowledge of Provencal traditions?

Here’s why you may want to consider travelling more for your business:

  • Possible Advantages
    • Some jobs require you to travel
    • Flexible hours?
    • Better Pay?
  • Get in touch with Future Technology
    • Smart cities
    • Deep Learning integration
    • Other Innovative practices
  • Worldwide Networking
    • Preliminary preparations
    • New recruitment/partnerships
  • Hone your skills
    • Preliminary preparations
    • Commercial empathy
    • Managing Professional Trips
  • Learn new languages
    • Preliminary preparations
    • Partners & Business Divisions

Possible Advantages

Some jobs require you to travel
  • Have you been into Accounting, Marketing or Finance for more than a decade?
  • Then you may be interested into becoming a moving Consultant.
  • You don’t really need to be in the industry for so long, but a senior financial advisor will clearly be more at ease than a beginner, and therefore enjoy the experience more.
  • More jobs in Finance, PR, Healthcare, Design, Entertainment, Education & Programming become travelling jobs.
  • This is becoming particularly true for jobs that allow teleworking, as it tends to soften the new employee’s integration in the company.
Flexible hours?
  • Teleworking is the way to Flexible hours.
  • Travel working, not always.
  • If you’re a travelling writer/author or programmer it may be the case, since there’s little sense of emergency.
  • What makes the difference is your diligence & your commitment.
  • If you’re a travelling nurse or doctor on the other hand, or any other job that admits emergency situations, don’t count on flexible calendars too much.
  • They may happen, as impromptu may.
  • The same goes for any profession where you’re commissioned.
  • If you are a travelling seller or agent, your hours are flexible in theory.
  • In practice, you’ll want as many sales as possible.
  • Expect online travel agencies to grow tremendously in the upcoming 5 to 10 years, competition will burst.
Better Pay?
  • Do you have great people skills?
  • Do people say about you that you’re a great manager?
  • Do you like handling people?
  • Do people like listening to your stories?
  • Do you enjoy foreign culture?
  • Are you at ease in Metropolis as well as in small towns?
  • Could you spend your days in Museums, visiting landmarks & trying unusual restaurants?
  • Can you handle a group of 5 to 10 people?
  • Have you ever considered becoming an International Tour Guide?
  • Here’s the opportunity for you to share your love for exploration & meet curious people.
  • Communication skills are key since you may be leading medium to large groups through busy streets & other crowded places.
  • Of course you may only be a guide through Villages.
  • But diversity of settings & settlements size will allow you to meet more diverse people.
  • You could double that with an International Tour Guide website & social media following (LinkedIn & TikTok 1st).
  • And then you’re golden.

Get in touch with Future Technologies

Smart cities
  • Wherever you are in Urbanisme/City planning or not, smart cities will impact your business.
  • New techs such as augmented reality, voice devices or computer vision will impact your daily life.
  • All over Europe and Southern/Eastern Asia smart initiative are emerging.
Deep Learning integration
  • If you are or intend to become a machine learning engineer, a data scientist/analyst or an AI software engineer/programmer you may want to visit France, Japan & Spain.
  • Same goes mental health professionals interested in developing new treatment for their patients.
    • ELIZA has been developed on psychiatrists initiative
  • Wherever you’re in sales or finance Deep Learning, as soon as Blockchain technology becomes real, will transform your industry.
Other Innovative practices
  • Germany & Scandinavia have become extremely competitive in terms of Green tech.
  • For the last decade, and for the one to come, they’ve been heavy in infrastructure reconversion, energy networks redesigning & civic education in terms of sustainability.
  • Green Urbanisme & Cycling economies will become predominant in countries where ethical finance & green labeled companies have a foot in.
  • Teleworking is another innovation to follow for Managers, CEOs, HR directors & Chairs in the future decade.
  • Why teleworking while travelling may be the best combination?
  • Flexible hours.
  • Easier integration.
  • A unique position in the company.

Worldwide Networking

Preliminary preparations
  • Can you ask your colleagues about a contact in the country you’re moving to?
  • That’s the most convenient way to make connections.
  • Are you on a conversation exchange platform?
  • Learning a foreign language through conversation exchange is an easy way to ask about the country’s culture while acquire the most useful phrases.
  • Prepare a small introduction : Name, Age, Origin(country & city), Profession, Hobbies, Wage/Salary/Annual Revenues.
    • In some countries like Japan it is an institutionalized practice, so be ready
  • In some regions Service & Hospitality are key and declining an employee trying to act as they’ve been trained can be seen as rejection.
  • If you need your bag on your back at all times allow the helpers to help you by answering questions or showing you around.
  • Tip is not needed everywhere, as in most of Europe, although it can be appreciated.
  • In some other places where Hospitality is part of the service, namely Eastern Asia, it could be seen as inappropriate or disrespectful.
  • Asking about company travel policy, traveller safety & employee’s well-being during the travel would also prove essential.
  • However, it may overlooked.
New recruitment/partnerships
  • If your future partner/customer knows about unusual locations in town that only the locals know capitalize on it.
  • There is some genuine love for the unique places people live in & frequent on a regular basis.
  • If you plan to become an athletic recruiter or a construction manager you’ll soon be in charge of diverse team of foreign people.
    • That should be interesting

Hone your skills

Preliminary preparations
  • Which skills do you want to learn?
    • Marketing & Selling
    • Management & Social Psychology
    • Accounting, Finances & Taxes
    • Programming & UI/UX design
  • Why do you want to learn them?
    • Are you a manager willing to better understand her team members?
    • Therefore, you’ll want to learn the basics of everything
    • Are you financial professional interested by predictive bots?
    • Then, you may want to learn a bit of Python & Javascript
    • Do you want to up your skills in social Marketing?
    • You need a crash course in vertical design (LinledIn, TikTok, YouTube shorts)
  • Why do I need to travel, I could learn these skills anywhere?
    • Yes, so why not somewhere else?
    • True, you can learn all of this from a Skillshare/LinkedIn course
    • But, what about learning them 1st hand from a future colleague/partner?
    • As everything in this post, it is another occasion to meet people that are different from the place you’re in
    • And that’s why you though about travelling in the 1st place
Commercial empathy
  • Let’s say you intend to become the best Manager or the best CEO
  • What do you need?
  • Yes, Empathy.
  • Empathy is the juice that will allow your customers & employees to speak to you freely.
  • And if they speak to you freely you could leverage their best ideas more easily.
  • How do you acquire Empathy?
  • By getting into the culture of the other person.
  • How do you do that?
  • Getting some perspective & some context of people’s daily life may help a lot.
  • How do you get that?
  • T-R-A-V-E-L.
  • That doesn’t have to be very far.
  • You could just spend a week in Lisbon, a week in Marseilles, & a week in Cologne.
  • You don’t even have to quit your country.
  • But the further, the more diverse & foreign.
  • And therefore the more valuable.
Managing Professional Trips
  • Or how to become an amateur International Tour Guide.
  • Learn the essential phrases in your target language.
  • Learn about the city/country’s basic history & cultural differences.
  • Learn about the best places in the country/city for the after-work.
  • Mix & match under appreciated destinations & well-known spots for the best result.
  • And wait for everyone to be impressed.

Learn new languages

Preliminary preparations
  • Which language do you want to learn?
    • If your target language is French or Spanish it shouldn’t be too hard since you’re already an English speaker
    • German, Russian or Indian may be more difficult to learn
    • Mandarin, Japanese & Arabic will prove the most challenging, but as with any difficult skills to learn, it’s rare
  • How much time do you dispose of?
    • If you’re learning a romance language, a month should do
    • Double that for Germanic & Slavic languages
    • Indo-Iranian languages may take you up to 3 months
    • East asian languages will be the most challenging, again, but 90/day for 3-4 months should give a good conversational level
Partners & Business Divisions
  • For which purpose do you learn this language?
    • Contract writing?
    • Integrate a new company?
    • Business Lunch?
  • Who will you speak to?
    • Customers?
    • Executives?
    • Future partners?
  • What do you do after work/on holidays/on your free time?
  • What are the best places in town?
  • Do you have additional input on that project we could discuss afterwards/after the meeting?
  • What do you do to endure your employee well-being?
  • Do you plan to adopt teleworking?
  • Is it challenging?
  • Do you have an AI division (if with a tech/finance company)?