
What is a smart destination and why it maters for you?

Deliver the best Service.

A smart destination is a destination enhanced by the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence & the will to deliver great customer service.

To make your journey smoother & more in-depth smart destinations have developed policies such as:

  • Save resources to welcome more & more people
  • Synergize the artificial & natural environment
  • Create a consistant web where people & information circulate easily
  • Upgrade & promote traditional & local landmarks

Make your journey smoother & more in-depth

  • Smart technologies helps tourists to become more aware of their environment & provide suitable alternatives.
  • In this regard Augmented Reality is one of the most important, if not the most important, functionality.
  • Allowing you to access real-time data on the place you are visiting or on the location you wish to reach by displaying them through CG imagery is quite possibly the 1 thing that will make your journey become futuristic.
  • Gamification of travel becomes real.
  • The AI assistants provides location & general information about essential city services.
  • Find in a instant the closest police stations, healthcare centers, train stations, and other administrative offices.
  • The same goes for restaurants, museums & other places of entertainment.

Save resources to welcome more & more people

  • Resources preservation is a common financial & environmental topic, but in the case of smart destinations another aspect is added: aesthetic & attractiveness.
  • All information you need are available via visually optimized apps, for more ergonomy & less information on paper.
  • Energy saving is also achieved by using evolutive lighting that can adapt through Computer Vision & AI.
  • Oslo is one of the leading cities in terms of lighting efficiency.
  • Barcelona is making use of Internet of Thing technology & cloud computing to optimize its energy consumption.
  • Carbon neutrality is a major concern of smart destination.
  • It is achieved by growing a more efficient, more secure & more attractive Public transportation system.
  • Prohibiting cars in the City centers & other parts of the capital to make traffic smoother is another major solution.
  • Multiple parts of Tokyo, such as Ginza, have already implemented this policy.
  • Cycling is popularized & solar-powered cycling spreads.
  • Tokyo is a city where the use of electric vehicle gradually becomes the norm.

Synergize the artificial & natural environment

  • By developing synergistic Architecture smart destinations display a new sense of aesthetic where nature & civilization benefit each other visually.
  • This functionally leads to synergistic Urbanisme.
  • Cities are build by taking more into account the geography & topography allowing to benefit from the specificities of each location.
  • Oslo is working on a full restructuration of its urban structure, and particularly its transportation network.
  • By investing in sustainable hotels & other accommodations smart destinations enhance service quality.
  • The most important sustainability policies are presented through City tours where you’ll have the opportunity to try them yourself.
    • It is the occasion to discover the most essential parts of the city or parts you’ve never heard of.

Create a consistant web where people & information circulate easily

  • Easily reach your destination, that’s important.
  • Smart destination understood it.
  • Reaching your destination easily, safely & conveniently, that’s even better.
  • The crowd management system developed through the use of Computer Vision & Machine Learning recognition allows all of this.
  • When they are, of course, combined with a diversify public transportation system.
  • Less crowded vehicles may also mean more secure circulation.
  • That is why many smart destinations offer you multiple transportation means.
  • Barcelona is making use of Internet of Thing technology & cloud computing to increase its transportation network safety.
  • Through city apps you are sent itinerary suggestions in order to reduce traffic congestion.
  • This is achieved by providing evolutive data on parking slots availability, zones to & local traffic.
  • Making the country more accessible to tourists is every country’s concern.
  • Making the country more accessible to tourists who don’t speak the language is a growing concern.
  • Real time translation apps are essential for countries where English isn’t widely spread.
  • Making destinations more accessible to the elderly & people with disabilities is also a major concern.
  • Touristic agencies & destination management organization have began to address it by providing tours adapted to the specific needs.

Upgrade & promote traditional & local landmarks

  • Cities tend to promote local businesses, principally local restauration & local craftsmanship.
  • They also wish to display lesser known districts.
  • This is achieved through the creation of public open space, mainly cultural spaces such as museums & libraries, where tourists are invited to discover the history of a particular district or landmark.
  • Promoting low season visits & lowering prices is another increasingly successful strategy.
  • A sustainable touristic taxation system is also developed to normalize fees differences between the cities & states.
  • This last point is critical for the hostellerie industry intrinsically dependent of real estate and subsequently impacted by an efficient taxation system.


  • Smart tourist destination are developed to make your journey more convenient.
  • Wherever it’s safer & smoother thanks to computer vision.
  • Or easier to navigate through the emerging Augmented reality technology.
  • Finally, it makes that new country more accessible thanks to real-time translation, powered by Natural Language Processing.
  • A smart destination is 1st & foremost tourist oriented.

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