
Travel Language – Learn Spanish essentials in a week

  • You’ve got an important meeting to Spain in a week.
  • You’ve discovered you’ve got a relative in Spain & they invite you to come in.
  • You just got a lot of cash and want to learn Spanish quickly.
  • Can you become fluent in a week? No.
  • Can you talk to people about food, money, culture & arts? Yes.
  • And this will kick-start your way to conversational fluency if you’ve enjoyed your journey, and plan to go live in Spain.

Pick your topics

  • Where will you go?
  • How long is your trip?
  • Who will you talk to?
    • What do you need to ask?
    • What do you need to answer?
  • What passionate you the most?

50 min a day Listening, 10-15 min a day Speaking

  • That’s our baseline.
  • It will be enough to get you started on your new habit.
  • Reading, Listening & memorizing for 50-60 minutes.
    • Video-format or podcast, for more convenience.
  • Speaking about a specific, narrow topic for 10-15 minutes, without the least amount of pauses.
  • Our 7 days topics will be : shopping, travel, rest, cinema, games, food & people
    • How do you get the most of your shopping?
    • Why do you travel? To visit Landmarks.
    • Where do you rest? In a Park (at the hotel?).
    • What movie do you want to watch today?
    • What game do you want to play today?
    • What do you want to eat? Where?
    • What’s their goal? Their hobbies? Their favorite things?

How will you learn?

  • Videos
    • Language – Innovative Language Learning & SpanishPod101.
    • Culture – Langfocus, for historical/geographical insight & language comparison (with other Romance languages).
  • How to speak if you know no Spanish speaker?
    • Find a learning partner.
    • If no one is will to make the jump with you, well it’s sad.
    • But you can always go for conversational exchange.
    • Conversation Exchange is great place for this.
  • If you have more than 20 min/day on your hands an want a book you can pick:
    • Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish,
    • Breaking Out of Beginner’s Spanish,
    • Lonely Planet’s Spanish Phrasebook & Dictionary.
  • Mindset
    • It will be Fun in the beginning, Frustrating in the middle & Fulfilling in the end.

Shopping district & Markets

  • How much does it cost?
    • ¿Cuánto cuesta esto?
  • How much does [ham] cost?
    • ¿Cuánto cuesta [el jamón]?
  • I’m looking for [Spanish ham].
    • Busco un [jamón Ibérico].
  • Where can I buy [espadrilles]?
    • ¿Dónde puedo comprar [espadrilles]?
  • How much does [this dress] cost?
    • ¿Cuánto cuesta [este vestido]?
  • Is there another color/size/model?
    • ¿Hay otro color?
    • ¿Hay otra talla?
    • ¿Hay otro modelo?
  • I’ll take Two (Three/Four/Five).
    • Voy a comprar dos (Tres/Cuatro/Cinco).
  • Can I have a discount?
    • ¿Puedo tener un descuento?
  • Can I have 10% off?
    • ¿Puedo tener 10% (diez por ciento) de descuento?

Parks & Landmarks

  • The most valuable advice will come from a barman/barber, the hotel personnel since they speak to so many people.
  • Ask to restaurant & shop personnel, or any other person knowledgeable about what’s to do in the City/Town you’re in.
  • Look for interesting & unusual paths recommendations.
  • What’s your favorite place in Castille?
    • ¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito en Castilla?
  • Where should I go in Bilbao?
    • ¿Dónde debo ir en Bilbao?
  • What’s the story of Merida?
    • ¿Cuál es la historia de Mérida?

Museums, Art Galleries & Cinema

Spain is an old country with a rich history dating back to antiquity.
They’ve also invested quite some money in new techs, especially machine learning.
So, wherever you’re an history enthusiast or a futurist-to-become, there will be something for you.

  • What is your favorite piece of art/Movie/Album/Book?
    • ¿Cuál es tu obra de arte, película, álbum o libro favorito?
  • How did you 1st discovered it?
    • ¿Cómo lo descubriste?
  • I’m looking for the City of Arts and Sciences (in Vallencia)?
    • Estoy buscando la Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias.
  • How much is the entry fee?
    • ¿Cuánto cuesta la entrada?

Restaurants & Cafes

Spanish gastronomy, markets, fresh products, Ham,..

  • What’s the top restaurant around here?
    • ¿Cuál es el mejor restaurante de por aquí?
  • What’s your favorite restaurant in town?
    • ¿Cuál es tu restaurante favorito en la ciudad?
  • What are the best cafes in Salamanca?
    • ¿Cuáles son los mejores cafés de Salamanca?
  • A table for [two, three, four] people, please.
    • Una mesa para [dos, tres, cuatro] personas, por favor.
  • I want a [menu].
    • Yo quiero un [menu]. 
  • Would you like a drink?
    • ¿Quieres tomar algo?
  • I would like Tap water/Bottled water.
    • Me gustaría tener agua del grifo/agua embotellada
  • Regular or Sparkling Water?
    • Sin gaz/Con gaz.
  • What would you like to eat/drink?
    • ¿Qué quieres comer/beber?
  • What do you recommend?
    • ¿Qué me recomienda? 
  • Where is the bathroom?
    • ¿Dónde està el baño?
  • On the left/right.
    • A mano izquierda/derecha.

Transportation & Directions

This is the only section where we will put words since when it comes to directions & transportation we often answers with words.

  •  I’m looking for […]
    • Estoy buscando […]
  • How much does [a bus ticket] costs?
    • ¿Cuánto cuesta [un billete para el bus]?
  • I would like a 1-way ticket.
    • Quisiera un billete simple.
  • Where can I catch the bus?
    • ¿Dónde puedo coger el bus?
  • Where is the [bus station/train station]?
    • ¿ Dónde está [la estacion de buses]?
    • ¿ Dónde está [la estacion de tren]?
  • Where is [Street/Avenue name] Street/Avenue?
    • ¿ Dónde está la calle/avenida [Nombre de la calle/avenida]?
  • Where is the ATM?
    • Dónde está el cajero?
  • Where is the Bank?
    • ¿ Dónde está el banco?
  • Where is the tourist information office?
    • Dónde está la oficina de infomación turística?
  • On the left/right.
    • A mano izquierda/derecha.
  • Straight ahead.
    • Derecho.
  • Bajar/Subir.
    • Go down or Get off/Go up or Get on.
  • Outside/Inside.
    • Fuera/Dentro.
  • At the corner.
    • En la esquina.
  • In [one, two, three, four] blocks.
    • A [una, dos, tres, cuatro] cuadra.