
Travel Gamification – the Way to Fun

  • A park will often be relaxing.
  • A meal in a restaurant can be delicious.
  • You can learn something from your visit at the museum.
  • A monument can be inspirational.
  • But is it Fun?
  • What about Disneyland, Wet n’ Wild, Movie World?
  • Isn’t travel about being entertained?
  • What about having fun anywhere you go?

Outline of the Article:

  • Your Team
  • Let your Hobbies guide you
  • Rewards & Unpredictability
  • Resting & still having fun
  • Your World Map

Gamification for Travel

  • Thinking about making Travel funnier?
  • Travel is transporting.
  • It’s relaxing.
  • It’s allowing you to discover things.
  • But is it really Fun?
  • You may say yes, but do you enjoy it as much as you enjoy your Hobbies.
  • Travel is a great Hobby, but it’s not the most popular one.
  • And Money is not the only variable.
  • Most of the popular hobbies are Expensive.
  • Hunting is expensive, if you’re into sports you’re putting a ton of money in equipment, and nowadays people are training with coaches.
  • More & more people get into Hiking, Mountain Climbing, Scuba Diving or Sky Diving.
  • These are expensive.
  • Even Reading isn’t cheap if you are buying a new book, at 10-20$, every week or every month.
  • Maybe Drawing can be construed as cheap is you only buy regular A4 and use the same pen & pencil for the whole year.
    • But even there, you know you’ll get the fancy stuff.
  • All of that is extremely engaging though.
  • Because it shows people value Experiences over Money.
  • And Travel is all about Experiences.
  • The issue is Travel can be boring or tedious.
  • 1 of the common complain about travel, especially in the case of theme parks, is that you have to wait to get to the attraction/landmark and in the end it isn’t that great.

Your Team

  • Can you go alone? Of course.
  • Wouldn’t give you more possibilities to extend?
  • The ability to look for more things, to achieve more.
  • The alternative is to make use of locals & guides as indirect team members.
  • It’s less personal, but it does the job.
  • On the plus side, you meet people.
  • 2 is the start of a team.
  • 3 is the start of a versatile team.
  • 4 is an optimal number in our opinion.
  • 1 of the biggest aspects of cooperation is arguing.
  • You can argue when you’re 2 or 3.
  • As a matter of fact you can even argue with yourself.
  • Although when you’re 4 can start to polarize the opinion while at the same time benefiting from diverse opinions.
  • These intense discussions, especially if they end to be big successes & big failures, will become the memories you are looking for.
  • Our Travels Posts are divided in 4 categories : Shopping districts, Landmarks, Parks & Restaurants.
  • Now, your team could have 4 types of Adventurers: The Shopper, The Explorer, The Rester & The Fooder.
  • And it will only make the journey smoother.
  • You will always have someone who knows what to eat, where to rest & what the plan is in every place you go.

Let your Hobbies guide you

  • What are your hobbies?
  • How can they enhance your journey?
  • What if you were guided solely by the things that will always bring you joy.
  • Even if you don’t go to all the ‘essential places’ in Madrid or Miami during your travel, you would have only done what you wanted.
  • What you truly wanted.
  • An essential part of games is Customization.
  • You are your character.
  • What does your character want?
  • What did she build up to now?
  • How will she show it to the rest of the team and hence be helpful?
  • You’ve got a top 10 list of the things you need to do in the place you are visiting.
  • Do you want to do them?
  • Or does your characters has other plans?
  • If you’re a reader/writer, become a storyteller.
  • If you’re a drawer/painter, craft a piece which depicts where you are.
  • If you’re a sportif, give them a quick session.
  • For every Attraction, every Place you are visiting craft Quests.
  • Give your team members step-by-step tutorials, and then let them play.
  • Let them go through a nice steep progression curve so that they can feel a sens of accomplishment.
  • Balance is the key.

Reward & Unpredictability

Where does your pleasure comes from?

  • What’s your favorite color?
  • 1 of the greatest rewards is ownership.
  • You’ve already been to Barcelona and now you can show everyone around.
  • You know the best restaurants & museums in the city & can give a private tour.
  • Owning your setting, owning your game brings you the opportunity to build a narrative.
  • You can monitor the attachment to the setting.
  • You can give your team a sense of protection through your ownership, which in return will entice them to show you more of themselves.
  • You can help them achieve Personal victory conditions though experiences tailored for them.
  • You can develop a progressive system of rewards adapted to the difficulties encountered.

  • Another essential element of games is Replayability.
  • You’ve visited all the stadiums in the United Kingdom?
    • Will another match look the same?
  • You’ve visited all the museum in Berlin, can you visit them again?
    • How will you proceed?
  • You could try another sport, another type of visit, but would it be enough to surprise you?
  • Make a small deck of cards with the names of the places you want to go to and let your teammates pick 3 of them at random.
  • Make another deck with the things you could do in these places & repeat the process.
  • Unpredictability is a core element of fun.
  • What about allowing things to be unpredictable?

Resting & still having fun

  • Traveling can be extremely taxing.
  • But resting can be difficult as well.
  • Especially if you’re visiting a bubbling metropolis.
  • Unless you’re in a cool village in the country, finding a calm space can be difficult.
  • Meditation will become a challenge.
  • Find a quiet spot in a park & breathe.
  • Your Rester will help.
  • Ask her what you should do.
  • She can propose you any type of relaxing games.
  • If you’re in a water garden, or another open space that allows you to broadcast music it could be the perfect opportunity to learn outdoor meditation.
  • It may feel uncomfortable in the beginning, but you own this uncomfortable situation.
  • Controlled discomfort really is the path to fun.
  • Another great place to chill are cafes.
  • They’re more obvious too.
  • How do you turn this into a game?
  • Do you want to turn this into a game?
  • You really don’t have to, but if you want it’s easy.
  • If you’re in a foreign country, order in the language.
  • It requires a little bit of speech preparation but if you’re there for a couple of days it can be achieved fairly fast.
  • Now, this is tedious, and you have to learn the language and whatever…
  • Do you have a dice in your pocket? Probably not.
  • Do you have a dice app on your phone? You could download 1…
  • And now, random order.
  • There should be at least 6 items per page on the menu.
  • Still there?
  • Ask for 10% off.
  • Not on your order, on the bill.
  • Most of the time your interlocutor will be really surprised.
  • They may tell you “This is [whatever chain brand], you know?”
  • Answer, “I know, but it would make me a really happy customer.”
  • Only do that if you’re in a Big Brand location.
    • We don’t want to cripple small businesses.

Your World Map

  • The forest fades into a lonely mountain passage.
  • Stark & cold, all you can hear is the bursting gust.
  • The Sun is at its zenith but you can barely see the light through the canopy.
  • As the floor trembles your body shakes even more from inside.
  • You need to run.
  • The path is clear, you see a light at the end, but it’s not Sunlight.
  • It is shining, and silvery.
  • You get closer, the light turns slightly bluer.
  • The shape becomes squarer.
  • It’s just a phone.
  • Someone must have dropped it.
  • The phone is brand new, it must have happened recently.
  • There’s a bear behind you.
  • Did you like it?
  • That’s how I get my fix.
  • What about you?
  • Will you hike, will you climb, will you dive?
  • Or will you go through the ordeals of the Concrete Jungle?
  • Imagine you only have 3 days to visit Tokyo or Hong-Kong.
  • How will you proceed to optimize your time-use?
  • Where will you go 1st?
  • Where will you go next?

How will you use your world map?

How will you use the World?