The Very nature of Teleworking does not attach you to any country.
Why choose France then?
In many countries Managers, HR directors & executives have acknowledge it, and it is great.
In France, the State has acknowledged it.
In a press release released on March 16, 2020, the Ministère du Travail (Ministry of Labour) declared that 4/10 jobs in France are now compatible with teleworking.
Not should, nor could, ARE.
80% of HR Directors & Managers want to implement Teleworking in the long term.
Teleworking will improve work conditions in the long run.
A fourth of the employees may become Teleworkers for 2 days a week in the near future.
Teleworking is an opportunity to reduce costs & gain in productivity says the majority of French HR Directors.
They realized employees adapt fast to the agile method of project management.
Almost 2/3 of them are convinced that the Informatics/Logistics costs will be minor and largely compensated by the gains in Real Estate occupation & upkeep.
They also consider that Teleworking will boost their attractiveness while allowing them satisfying their customers more easily.
How will it be implemented?
Most HR managers propose the redaction of a Charter (charte de télétravail).
This Charter will fix the practices & procedures to adopt in order to prevent the most important issues of Teleworking:
The reduction of belonging feeling.
The reduction of cohesion.
Psycho-social risks.
A rotating system, on a 2 days a week basis, should help to prevent most of these.
Other measures, such as a personal monitoring, and on-the-job support & feedback are also in preparation.
Most of the functions in companies can be turned into the Teleworking process in the near future.
Although, there is 1 domain where Teleworking will be difficult to implement: logistics.
The New Management
Managers will be implemental in the implementation of teleworking.
A shift from management per task, judged too rigid, to management per objectives is already viewed as necessary in the current business development.
According to managers in french industries & B2C businesses teleworking could be the greatest opportunity to develop new product management & marketing practices attuned to the end consumers needs in terms of reshaping.
Marketing professionals from Orange Business Service already declare that management via teleworking would be a definitive way to attract & retain customers, namely the inner customer: the employee.
According to managers & executives the economy of resources (e.g. time & money), the synergy between planning & implementing help employees to do more and therefore see the end-goal sooner.
Teleworking is a door to more meaning-visible work.
According to multiple Work Barometers realized since 2015, more than 70% of the French population wants to work at home.
Managers & executives have begin to acknowledged it.
More than 90% of HR responsables interrogated know that teleworking will crack open the actual managerial practices to give birth to new ones.
The managers post-Covid will become a skills-developer.
This will be achieved by developing Competence Charters & increasing feedback between executives & team members as well as dialogue between services.
Remote working & Teleworking
You’re convinced you want to become a Teleworker in France?
Now you need to know which sectors & jobs are about to see this change happen the fastest.
Generally speaking, IT, Finance, Law, HR & Marketing are more encline to be executed remotely.
The principals sectors that will experience Teleworking in France the fastest are Digital Marketing, Web/Mobile development, Machine Learning, Financial services, and many other IT based services.
Web/Mobile Development & Machine Learning
Web/Mobile & Machine Learning software Developer.
These jobs benefit from a huge leverage for teleworking since they are highly sough after (‘metier en tension’).
Furthermore, the nature of the job allows you to telework more easily.
UX/UI Designer
The same goes for the App Designer.
Wherever it is prototype creation, tests, feedback implementation, all that is required is reliable communication tools for the job to be exercised remotely.
Digital Marketing
Community Manager
The Brand ambassador.
Engage & animate communities.
One of the most “teleworkable” jobs.
Digital Artist
Realizes the commercial bundle.
Naturally inclined to teleworking, as a contractor or as an employee.
Web Editor (‘Rédacteur web’)
Responsible of the editorial content of the brand.
Coordinates the creation of the content published on the official website.
That’s an integral part of marketing.
It takes a lot of culture & context knowledge to perform a proper localization campaign.
Translators, you are marketers.
Financial services
The computerization of documents & the development of tax/accounting softwares has transformed the accounting profession in less than 20 years.
The closing of the annual accounts, preparations of tax returns or pay slips can now be carried out remotely.
Ever dreamed of becoming a risk manager?
The actuary is specialized in corporate risk management.
Often practiced in insurance, finance & strategy, this profession is open to remote work, if you have a few years of background.
Online Teachers
Because you have to learn all these skills.
And if you have the knowledge already, you’ll need more.
Wherever it is a Trainer, a Mentor, or a Coach online service become plentiful.
You can access courses via platform such as Udemy or Skillshare, but many Teacher have their own course & their own private group.
The Agent de fabrication (processing agent) is managing the conception of products mainly in automobile, plasturgie, electrical/electronic appliances, automotive & aeronautics.
Conducteurs de poids lourds (truck drivers) is another job where offers explode.
Finally, Techniciens de maintenance (service technicians) is the job category that recruits the most.
All these jobs are now qualified as ‘metier en tension’, or highly sough after jobs.
B2B Marketing:
Customer Success Specialist, this one requires a sense of information flux management, managing the balance between marketing & adds, but also knowledge of financial services.
Community Manager, this 1 will be sough after in the domains of Marketing & adds, of course, but also Local Branding, PR, and Sports.
Civil engineering, Construction & Real Estate
These jobs will be in demand because New Cities (e.g. Strasbourg) are emerging & metropolises (e.g. Lyon) are growing.
There is another reason.
In certain parts of France, real estate becomes inappropriately over-priced.
The solution? Build new buildings & sell them.
Agriculture & Food engineering.
This is where you’ll find some of the Frenchest jobs such as Viticulteur or Sommelier.
But also Ingénieur agronome as well as œnologue.
Central France invests heavily in Food engineering, especially town like Angers.
More & more universities & institutes are specialized in Agriculture & Agro-engineering.
Machine Learning & Cyber Security
If you’re already a computer scientist/engineer, a programmer or a software engineer you will integrate easily to the market, wherever you are in AI or not.
Know that France is 1 of the biggest investors in machine learning, probably the 1st in Europe.
So, if you’re honing your Python & Tensorflow/Keras skills, France could be the country for you.