Arts & Travel Business & Travel

Why Travel more as an Artist?

Wherever you are a Painter, a Sculptor, a Musician, digital or traditional, you draw your resources from Life.

  • Where are you the most exposed to this Life you need to create?
  • What form does this Life takes?
  • How much diversity do you need to evolve as an Artist?
  • Do you need to travel very far to find Life?

Outline of the Article:

  • Learning to work with limitations
  • Compose a travel Diary
  • Shopping for rare or discounted items
  • Landmarks, the Soul of a Nation
  • Parks, let your mind flow
  • Restaurants & Cafes, refuel the Body & think
  • Museums, Art Galleries, Ateliers & Artists Residencies
  • Paint the 50, Paint the Union
  • Unique Landscapes, acquire Artistic Awareness
  • Rest, for real & Restart

Learning to work with limitations

  • Limited Material & Tools
    • You don’t need a desk to be productive.
    • No internet is the best way to come up with new designs.
    • Paper and pencil are enough.
  • Limited Time
    • Having less time to create your next project will force better result.
    • Less time means less time to hesitate.
    • Think crucial features through & implement.
  • Focus on 1 project or have multiple one?
    • How long is your trip?
    • How many settings are you visiting? 1 piece = 1 setting?
    • Should you create a global composition for this City, this Country?

Compose a Travel Diary

  • Get organized & Play more, with Mind Maps.
    • Mind maps are by far the easiest way to concentrate data.
    • After practicing for 4 years you could put 500 pages books onto 4 sheets of paper without losing any substantial information.
  • The Process:
    • Take a piece of paper horizontally, separate it with 2 diagonals.
    • Trace 4 circles/ovals/squares/the shape your prefer with 4 different colors, (a 4-color Bic is the easy way to go).
    • Choose 4 topics you want to study.
    • Or the main 4 parts of your next project.
  • Why not Paint & Draw postcards of the places you visit?
  • Or compose your song & then record it.
  • Your diary will become fuller & more diverse with every day passing.
  • Develop a clear unique style.
  • Produce a piece a day.
  • Post daily.
  • People may soon contact you to buy your content.

Shopping for rare or discounted items

  • Looking for Rare Items?
  • Antique shops will give you the inspiration you need.
  • Look for Childhood memories.
  • Look for foreign objects.
  • Look for useless objects with great design.
  • What’s that small box that can contain nothing?
  • You could also go for Brocantes or Brokers.
  • Both have uniques items to sell, if you are willing to ask?
    • What’s the most expensive item you have?
    • What’s the most useless item you have?
    • What’s the most ludicrous item you have?
    • Will you sell it to me?
    • Can I have 30% off of this SNES?
  • Get in with your own stuff & see if you can trade.
  • Visit Discount Art or Tech store.
  • Buy Discounted items, in Bulk.
  • You can buy your clothes online, but most of the time you can’t properly try them, even if your e-seller has a solid return policy.
  • Same thing here with artistic material.
  • Ask to try the items.
  • Meet fellow artists.
  • Ask for recommendations.

Landmarks, the Soul of a Nation

  • What does the Monument looks like, from the outside?
  • How does a Monument visit affect your vision of it?
  • Observe people around you, are they happy to be there?
  • Are they tourists or locals?
  • Asking for the Landmark’s history is the best way to aggregate a little sack of knowledge about the place.
  • Ask for a Guided tour to fill the blanks & you’re ready to go.
  • Grab your tool & make.
  • Make Art With a Sense Of Place, Make Contextual Art.
  • Does your art belong to the location you’re in?
  • Just ask to locals about the City/Town’s symbol or motto.
  • Focusing on travel-related themes: Adventure, Exploration, Epics & Sagas.
  • But also the Mundane, the Daily, the authentic.
  • You can find a ballad on the shores of the sea, or a walk in national gardens.
  • Do you prefer the Extravagant?
    • Go for it.
  • Would you rather paint sailboats & seagulls?
  • Would you compose your next song under cypresses at dusk?

Parks, let your mind flow

  • Source of inspiration for artist over History, the parks are also 1 of the ideal location to rest & focus at the same time.
  • Painter, train your eyes on animated subjects.
    • Train your animation skills by depicting those people moving around.
    • Train your speed by lashing drafts or sketches on paper/canvas.
  • Musicians
    • Go around.
    • Record Background sounds, dialogues, conversations, take quick pictures of animals & people.
    • Do you have some experience with CGI or Video edition/SFX?
    • Why not capture some footage for a future clip?
  • Sculptor.
    • Study the synergy between Living & Inert objects.
    • Take some photos for texture reference.
    • Mold textures?
    • Make some miniatures.
    • Do you have some Blender/Maya skills?
    • Do you have a 3D printer?
  • Meet fellow artists
    • They will be here for similar reasons.
    • It’s a time as good as any to exchange a few words on your upcoming project & maybe contacts.
  • Have you ever wondered why we feel at ease in Parks?

Restaurants & Cafes, refuel the Body & think

  • Find inspiration in a restaurant?
  • Do you have a favorite dish?
  • An evergreen treat?
  • Then, treat yourself plentifully.
  • That’s part of the creation process.
  • You need to refuel this jauge called motivation.
  • By thinking about new projects?
  • By imagining your next composition on that little piece of napkin.
  • Or just by resting…

  • Today was a journey, tomorrow will be too.
  • What are the after effects of this journey?
  • What have you acquired today?
  • What will you do tomorrow?

Museums, Art Galleries, Ateliers & Artists Residencies

Too Obvious?

  • Not exactly, as we may visit Museums & Art galleries only as consumers.
  • In fact, if you’re in the animation/cinematography business do you analyse every movie/series you watch?
  • Go for exhibitions with Travel themes.
  • Look for expeditions driven exhibitions where are exposed multiple pieces of unusual material.
  • Much like what you did for the Antique shops.
  • Where else could you go to develop your foreign art senses?
  • You’re Tuscany…
    • Have you planned to visit an Atelier?
  • You don’t need to participate to group exercises or book for a course, just ask for a quick tour, not even guided.
  • Another way to go is Artist Residencies.
  • It is a lesser known practice but just as useful.
  • These are places where you can enjoy the length of time passed away from home.
  • Away from chores.
  • Residencies may be occupied for a couple of weeks/months.
  • Residencies offer housing for multiple people at once.
  • All is in the hands of the owner.

Paint the 50, Paint the Union

  • It’s cheaper to travel by car or by train?
  • Maybe not always, but it’s easier if you don’t need a visa or have to learn a new language every time you move.
    • Though it could be a missed opportunity.
  • If you are living in the US, it may be easy to make a piece of art for every state.
  • You may also have some favorite cities or monuments.
  • Take a landmark/landscape you like and just add some visual contrast.
  • It may be temporal, spatial, thematic or just colorimetric.
  • Same thing if you’re living in Europe.
  • Start your trip in Lisbon and then all the way to Minsk.
  • As you go around mix & match cultures, monuments, plants, wildlife and so on.

Unique Landscapes, acquire Artistic Awareness

  • Why did you begin to create?
  • When did you begin to create?
  • Where did you begin to create?
  • Maybe in your own room, in your bed or on your desk.
  • But the impulse came from outside.
  • A most distant land you can barely remember.
  • Maybe it didn’t really exist.
  • The memory persists.
  • Where can you rediscover this place?
  • Will it be in the red Mountains, made of Fire & Rocks?
  • While running in the Plains, coursed with Wind & Light?
  • Under the Seas, on lone Islands, where flow wonderful Waters & dismal Currents?
  • Deep in the Forest’s domain, where reign Earth, Wood & Shades?

Rest, for real & Restart

  • Do you have nightmares?
  • Vibrant, violent nightmares.
  • The kind of apparitions that are a blessing for they procure you the art material you need.
  • Yet, are also truly taxing at the same time.
  • And not even literal nightmares because they have nothing to do with being laid off, or…
    • That’s all actually.
    • That’s the only realistic thing that won’t happen into these kind of nightmares that are about mooncalves & other monstrosities that aggregate when your visual library gets saturated.
  • Travel is supposed to be fun.
  • It is also supposed to be the moment when we rest.
  • As in, ‘Do we really have fun?’, think.
  • Did I really rest?
  • Did you rest?
  • Start another project.

Travel is the endless path to new visual stimulation.