
Living in France: Sample Monthly Budget

  • How much does it cost to live in France?
  • Here’s a sample Monthly Budget.
  • The cost of life will comprise 6 areas: Housing, Communications, Transportation, Services, Groceries, and Entertainment.
  • The Cost will be detailed in 2 scenario: Single/Couple & a Family of 4/5.
  • The costs in this article will be indicated in Euros, for immediate projection purpose.
  • You can consider that 1$ = 1€.
  • It will make values more understandable.
  • It will even out in most cases.
  • If you wish to know more about currency pair velocity you can search about the Eurodollar evolution & Currency Pair: EUR/USD on sites like Investopedia or other financial websites.


  • Good to know : About the minimum wage.
  • In France the minimum monthly wage, for a 35-hour week, is €1,219 after deduction of social security taxes & income tax (as of 01/01/2020).
  • Rent
    • As a Single person/Couple rent could cost you as little as 575 euros Charges Comprises for a 3 rooms 2 bedrooms 70m² apartment on southern Paris.
    • The rent itself would be 450 euros + 50-125 euros of Charges (water, waste, & in this case heat).
    • This cases are not the norm, but they do exist if you contact the owner directly.
    • A realtor may make you pay up to 900-1000 euros for a 2 bedroom appartment.
  • A Family of 4/5 could find a 6 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 121 m² apartment for as little as 850 euros Charges Comprises in Provence, Laragne-Monteglin.
    • Again, try to contact the owner directly via a website like lefigaro immobilier (immobilier = real estate).
    • A realtor may add up to 650 euros fee on a similar product raising the rent to 1500
  • Les Charges Comprises (Utilities) are a fraction of the housing included in the rent.
    • They include Water, Wastes & Garbage.
    • They could include Electricity (general & Heating/Cooling).
    • They could include Telephone & Internet.
  • La Quotion.
    • The owner will often ask you an upfront payment on the 1st month equal to a month of rent.
    • It is asked by the owner to secure the rent & to cover the reparation costs.
    • On the Single/Couple example it would be 575 * 2 = 1150€ on the 1st month.
    • On the Family example it would be 850 * 2 = 1700€ on the 1st month.
    • La Quotion is only due on the 1st month, and is returned to you at the end of the rent period if the property hasn’t been degraded.
  • The last thing will be ‘l’assurance habitation’ (house insurance), more on this in the Bank section.


  • France as many other countries, offers package deals (Internet + Phone)
  • 3 of the most popular package deals are the SOSH(Orange) package 15€/m, the Free package 20€/m & the B&You (Bouygues) package 20€/m.
  • Both of these packages include International phone calls.
  • They are ‘Sans engagement’ meaning the contract can be interrupted at any moment (you still have to pay the actual month).
  • If you are form the US or the UK some of your favorite shows may not be available in France due to region restriction.
  • So we recommend you use a VPN.
  • VPNs can be found for as little as 5€/m.


  • Good to know : As you arrive at the Airport, it’s a good idea to have 50 euros in cash to pay for transportation.
  • ATMs are available in every airport.
  • A One-way Ticket for the Local Transport will cost from 1.7 to 2€.
  • The ‘Carte d’abonnement’ (subscription card) are value season ticket.
  • They allow you to subscribe to a transportation service for a week, a month or a whole year.
  • Les ‘Carte d’abonnement’ will generally cost you around 70€ (Navigo) as an adult, and 35€ as a child/student on Paris.
  • On Marseilles the Regular Price of a Monthly Pass is 48€.
  • They also serve as transportation titles, be sure to have it with you at all times.
  • Know that the transportation expenses can be exonerated from your taxes if you are subscribing via a ‘Carte d’abonnement’.
  • ‘Carte d’abonnement’ become particularly advantageous when it comes to Trains.
  • La SNCF(main train company), offers la ‘Carte Liberté’ a yearly pass that cut the cost of all your train travels by 45%(1st class) to 60%(2nd class).
  • It also allows you to exchange or refund your tickets without additional cost.
  • It’s 399/y for an adult.
  • Up to 3 accompanying children (age 4-11), get another 50% off based on the fare paid by the cardholder.
  • It is valid for all types of travels, in France & in Europe.

Financial & Health Services

  • Health & Social
    • The National Social Security (l’Assurance Maladie) covers almost every Health/Social-related expanses.
    • Doctor’s visit is around 25€, fully refunded.
    • Almost every merchandise bought in Pharmacy is refunded.
    • Additionally, you can pay for a ‘Mutuelle santé’ which will cover certain specific treatments & expenses (essentially paramedical expenses).
  • Insurance
    • Insuring your Car & Home is mandatory.
    • Most Home insurances cover an apartment.
    • They can highly variate, between 96 & 352€ per year, so we will detail how to choose your insurance depending on where you live in another article.
    • 2 of the most cost effective options are the Inter Assurances comfort plan (112€/y) & the Carrefour formule essentielle (157€/y).
  • Banks
    • For extra convenience, most banks propose an housing insurance plan.
    • As for Insurance companies, Banks annual fees can hugely oscillate, between 23€ & 242€ per year.
    • 3 of the most cost effective options are the Boursorama banque (23€/y), the Fortuneo banque (28€/y) & the Orange bank (40€/y).
    • Note that the bank account opening will cost you 80€ for the 3 aforementioned banks.

Self-Catering & Groceries

  • Super-Markets
    • As a Single person /couple monthly groceries cost around 200€
    • As a Family you could go up to 500€.
    • The main supermarket/hypermarkets chains are Carrefour, Auchan & Super/Hyper U.
  • Convenient stores are the less cost effective option.
  • Markets/Marches Locaux offer a diversity of fresh products, at extremely competitive prices.
    • Every City/Town/Village has a weekly market.
    • The biggest Cities & Regional Capitals have daily markets.
  • More on markets with our Marches Locaux & Regional Specialties tops.


  • Cinema
    • The ticket costs around 10€.
    • Some cinemas like UGC & Pathe/Gaumont offer a monthly pass for unlimited access at 20€/m.
  • Restaurants
    • The price on the bill includes service, you don’t need to leave a tip.
    • A 3-course meal for 1 person: 20-30€.
    • A Lunch for 1 person: 10-15€.
  • Snack-Bars, Cafes & Boulangeries
    • Cafe: 2-4€, it’s more expensive if you drink it on the terrasse.
    • Pastries/Viennoiseries: 2-3€
    • Sandwiches/Pizza/Tartes: 5-7€ (with Fries? Add another 2€)
    • Salads: 7-10€
    • Baguette/Bread: 0.9€
  • Food Delivery
    • Web services such as Deliveroo & Glovo are available in France.
    • You may already know about them, so…
  • Hairdressers & Barbershops
    • Around 30€ for women (80€ for a color), 20€ for men, 10€ for children.
    • Salon products may cost around 20-40€.
  • Gym club
    • 30-50€ on Paris, around 40€ on Lyon & Nice, around 30€ for the rest of the country.
  • Landmarks, Museums & Art Galleries
    • The access to many Museums in France is around 10€.
    • Some Museums, like Musee d’Orsay or Centre Georges Pompidou offer 2 types of tickets.
      • Le ‘Billet coupe-file’, that will allow you to have preferential access to the art pieces (14 to 16€).
      • La ‘Visite guidée’, which entitles you to a tour of the Museum (49€ for Orsay, 94€ for Pompidou).
  • The access to Museums & Landmarks is free on holidays & festivals such as Journées du patrimoine or 14 Juillet.
  • Certain Museums & Landmarks will also allow you to enter for free on Sundays.

ExpensesEuros €/m
Studio/1 room
2 rooms
3 rooms
4 rooms
430 – 1000
80 – 200
Phone + Internet (wifi/mobile)
Transportation (monthly pass)
One-way Ticket
Bus + Metro + others
Train (Yearly Discount pass)
1.7 – 2
399(+ ticket)
Financial services
Insurance (Health + Home + Life)
For 2
For 4/5
Entertainment (1 seance/1 dinner)
up to 10
up to 10


What is a smart destination and why it maters for you?

Deliver the best Service.

A smart destination is a destination enhanced by the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence & the will to deliver great customer service.

To make your journey smoother & more in-depth smart destinations have developed policies such as:

  • Save resources to welcome more & more people
  • Synergize the artificial & natural environment
  • Create a consistant web where people & information circulate easily
  • Upgrade & promote traditional & local landmarks

Make your journey smoother & more in-depth

  • Smart technologies helps tourists to become more aware of their environment & provide suitable alternatives.
  • In this regard Augmented Reality is one of the most important, if not the most important, functionality.
  • Allowing you to access real-time data on the place you are visiting or on the location you wish to reach by displaying them through CG imagery is quite possibly the 1 thing that will make your journey become futuristic.
  • Gamification of travel becomes real.
  • The AI assistants provides location & general information about essential city services.
  • Find in a instant the closest police stations, healthcare centers, train stations, and other administrative offices.
  • The same goes for restaurants, museums & other places of entertainment.

Save resources to welcome more & more people

  • Resources preservation is a common financial & environmental topic, but in the case of smart destinations another aspect is added: aesthetic & attractiveness.
  • All information you need are available via visually optimized apps, for more ergonomy & less information on paper.
  • Energy saving is also achieved by using evolutive lighting that can adapt through Computer Vision & AI.
  • Oslo is one of the leading cities in terms of lighting efficiency.
  • Barcelona is making use of Internet of Thing technology & cloud computing to optimize its energy consumption.
  • Carbon neutrality is a major concern of smart destination.
  • It is achieved by growing a more efficient, more secure & more attractive Public transportation system.
  • Prohibiting cars in the City centers & other parts of the capital to make traffic smoother is another major solution.
  • Multiple parts of Tokyo, such as Ginza, have already implemented this policy.
  • Cycling is popularized & solar-powered cycling spreads.
  • Tokyo is a city where the use of electric vehicle gradually becomes the norm.

Synergize the artificial & natural environment

  • By developing synergistic Architecture smart destinations display a new sense of aesthetic where nature & civilization benefit each other visually.
  • This functionally leads to synergistic Urbanisme.
  • Cities are build by taking more into account the geography & topography allowing to benefit from the specificities of each location.
  • Oslo is working on a full restructuration of its urban structure, and particularly its transportation network.
  • By investing in sustainable hotels & other accommodations smart destinations enhance service quality.
  • The most important sustainability policies are presented through City tours where you’ll have the opportunity to try them yourself.
    • It is the occasion to discover the most essential parts of the city or parts you’ve never heard of.

Create a consistant web where people & information circulate easily

  • Easily reach your destination, that’s important.
  • Smart destination understood it.
  • Reaching your destination easily, safely & conveniently, that’s even better.
  • The crowd management system developed through the use of Computer Vision & Machine Learning recognition allows all of this.
  • When they are, of course, combined with a diversify public transportation system.
  • Less crowded vehicles may also mean more secure circulation.
  • That is why many smart destinations offer you multiple transportation means.
  • Barcelona is making use of Internet of Thing technology & cloud computing to increase its transportation network safety.
  • Through city apps you are sent itinerary suggestions in order to reduce traffic congestion.
  • This is achieved by providing evolutive data on parking slots availability, zones to & local traffic.
  • Making the country more accessible to tourists is every country’s concern.
  • Making the country more accessible to tourists who don’t speak the language is a growing concern.
  • Real time translation apps are essential for countries where English isn’t widely spread.
  • Making destinations more accessible to the elderly & people with disabilities is also a major concern.
  • Touristic agencies & destination management organization have began to address it by providing tours adapted to the specific needs.

Upgrade & promote traditional & local landmarks

  • Cities tend to promote local businesses, principally local restauration & local craftsmanship.
  • They also wish to display lesser known districts.
  • This is achieved through the creation of public open space, mainly cultural spaces such as museums & libraries, where tourists are invited to discover the history of a particular district or landmark.
  • Promoting low season visits & lowering prices is another increasingly successful strategy.
  • A sustainable touristic taxation system is also developed to normalize fees differences between the cities & states.
  • This last point is critical for the hostellerie industry intrinsically dependent of real estate and subsequently impacted by an efficient taxation system.


  • Smart tourist destination are developed to make your journey more convenient.
  • Wherever it’s safer & smoother thanks to computer vision.
  • Or easier to navigate through the emerging Augmented reality technology.
  • Finally, it makes that new country more accessible thanks to real-time translation, powered by Natural Language Processing.
  • A smart destination is 1st & foremost tourist oriented.

13 Specialties of Bourgogne-Franche-Compte you need to try

  • La Sauce.
  • Sauce au beurre, wine sauce, jus de viande, you’ll find that everywhere in French gastronomy, but that is in Bourgogne that’ll find it the most.
  • Just in case you forgot where you were, they put Bourguignon in the name of every dish served.
  • Same goes for Comtoise.
  • Stewed dishes & Simmered dishes?
  • You’ll find both of these in Bourgogne-Franche-Compte.

The Dishes:

  • Bœuf Bourguignon 
  • Cancoillotte
  • L’escalope de veau comtoise
  • Escargots de Bourgogne
  • Fondue Bourguignonne
  • Galette comtoise
  • Gougères
  • Griottine
  • Mont-d’or
  • Pochouse
  • Potee Comtoise
  • Poulet de Bresse aux Morilles
  • Saucisse de Morteau

Bœuf Bourguignon 

  • The pride of Burgundy.
  • Bœuf Bourguignon is a stew (‘estouffade de bœuf’) cooked in red Bourgogne wine.
  • The core of the dish is nicely diced Bœuf à braiser & Bacon.
  • Add to this raw vegetables: bright carrots, big onions & intense Garlic.
  • A variant consist of adding mushrooms cooked in butter.


  • Cold or hot, on tartines or dressed over potatoes the Cancoillotte will not leave you indifferent.
  • Generally sold in small 250g pots, this little creamy cheese is perfect for those who look for a low-carb cheese loaded with proteins.
  • Made out of Metton(another cheese), butter, milk & salt the Cancoillotte is one of the most convenient cheese.
  • Enjoyed by people who don’t especially like cheese since it has a neutral taste.

L’escalope de veau comtoise

  • L’escalope de veau is a wonderful piece of veal & Franche-Comté.
  • 1st, it is delicately pan-fried with lots of butter.
  • It is then covered with smoked cured ham (‘jambon cru’) and grated Comté cheese.
  • Both the cheese & ham enhance the strength of the meat.
  • Finally, the escalope is topped with a cream & mushroom sauce.
  • Many different types of mushrooms are used.
  • The most popular are morels, chanterelles & champignons de Paris.

Escargots de Bourgogne

  • Les Escargots de Bourgogne are the most popular variety of snails preparation.
  • Prepared with the Helix pomatia, or Bourgogne sauvage, & a sauce called Beurre d’escargot.
  • Le Beurre d’escargot is a mix of melted butter, to which is added minced persil, scallions, garlic & pepper.
  • Generally consumed on Christmas & other celebrations.
  • The recipe is will be customized.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask the Chef for their personal version, they’ll surely have one.

Fondue Bourguignonne

  • Fondue Bourguignonne is 1 of the simplest dishes of this list, and somehow 1 of the tastiest.
  • Put dices of strong red meat in boiling oil & voila.
  • Ask for a fondue sauce, if they don’t serve one.
  • The most common accompaniment for Fondue is Mayonnaise & its 2 variations: Tartare sauce (with capers, persil & pickles) & Aïoli (with garlic).
  • Fondue can be also be accompanied with Sauce au céleri (celery, nuts & lemon) or Sauce tomate aux anchois (anchovies, tomato paste & olive oil).
  • There is even a sauce made of tomato paste & whisky.
  • Generally served with rice or french fries.

Galette comtoise

  • La Galette comtoise looks a lot like a pie.
  • It is 1 of the few French ‘tartes’ that is closed, meaning its garniture is hidden under its crust much like British & German pies.
  • It can also be found under the name ‘galette bisontine‘ or ‘La galette de Goumeau’.
  • Made of milk, sugar, butter & flour, as usual, its peculiarity resides in the Fleur d’Oranger.
  • La Fleur d’Oranger is an arôme used in many French pastries (e.g. Madeleines) used to give the cake a specific taste.
  • In this case it reinforce the Brioche-like taste of the Galette’s crust.
  • Many recipes add ‘creme pâtissière’ (a cream similar to custard) to the mix.


  • The Gougères are choux salé.
  • Much like the cream puffs you know, but filled with cheese.
  • The cheese traditionally used is Gruyère (Swiss cheese) sprinkled with Muscade.
  • Although these fantastic little puffs can accommodate Comte, Reblochon, Emmental, Mimollette & many others.
  • Newer versions will also embed Charcuteries & various types of herbs (e.g Herbes de Provence).
  • The recipe is highly customizable.
  • Again, try then in multiple restaurants & bistrots to have a bit of the many variations.

Griottes & Griottine

  • Griottine is a beautiful cake.
  • This is type of cake you’d like to marry.
  • And you probably will, because you’re drunk.
  • Griottine is the name of the cake but also the Liqueur used to make it.
  • Obtained by macerating Griottes in kirsch, local cherries, the Griottine serves as the core of the recipe.
  • The cake is made of soft & intense dark chocolate.
  • Griottes can also be consumed as is.


  • Bearing the colloquial name of the Jura’s mountain, the Mont-d’or is a royal cheese.
  • Cooked in the oven as is, in tartiflette, or even consumed raw with a slice of bread, the Mont d’or a versatile cheese.
  • Le Mont d’Or also known as ‘Vacherin du Haut-Doubsone’ is 1 of the most sought-after cheeses of France since it is only produced during a limited period.
  • It is made from August 15 to march 15.
  • It is then commercialized September 10 to May 10.

Pôchouse Bourguignonne

  • Pôchouse Bourguignonne, Burgundian Fish Stew, is an ‘estouffade de poisson’.
  • Slowly cooked in white wine with vegetables, bacon & thyme/bay leaves, la Pôchouse should satisfy every fish enthusiast.
  • Many local river fishes are used in its confection such as eel, pike, sea bass, or tench.
  • Generally served a sauce made of flour & butter, very similar to a Béchamel sauce.

Potée Comtoise

  • Onions, carrots, potatoes, leeks, turnips & cabbage.
  • Nothing particular?
  • Thyme, Pepper, Laurel, Olive oil, Chicken stock.
  • The seasoning is pretty basic too.
  • What makes this stew memorable is the Sausages used in its confection.
  • La Saucisse de Morteau & la Saucisse de Montbéliard will be the unique flavor of this dish.
  • Sometimes ham (‘jambon sec fumé du Haut-Doubs’) will be added to the mix.

Poulet de Bresse aux Morilles

  • Poulet de Bresse is the glory of Bresse.
  • One of the plumpest chicken, fat & with thin bones it will give you the most meat for money.
  • The morels (‘Morilles’) are only here to sublime it.
  • The sauce is a mixture of butter & fresh cream.
  • Also, the chickens are red, white & blue.
  • That’s funny.

Saucisse de Morteau & de Montbéliard

  • It began thousands of years before modern gastronomy.
  • During the last millennia emerged a Sausage.
  • A Sausage that would soon become the symbol of a people, of a country.
  • That’s the official version.
  • Smoked with softwood, seasoned with cumin, The Montbéliard is generally eaten after having been poached.
  • If you prepare it yourself, but if it isn’t be sure to cook it before eating.
  • Same for the Morteau.
  • In the oven, in the skillet or on the BBQ it’s always a success.


8 Specialties of Rhones-Alpes-Savoie you need to try

Disclaimer: Most of the dishes you will experience here are Potatoes, Charcuterie & Cheese.
Heavy, creamy, ample cheese.
If you want to live a long & healthy life do not read the rest of this article.

What are the formidable specialties to come?

  • Beaufort
  • Gratin Dauphinois
  • Fondue savoyarde
  • Noix de Grenoble
  • Raclette
  • Tartiflette
  • Reblochon
  • Tomme de Savoie 


  • Many part of France are made of cheese.
  • But Alpes-Savoie must be one of the cheesiest parts of the country.
  • The greatest variety of Gruyère, or Swiss cheese as it is also known.
  • The Beaufort has won the name of “Prince des Gruyères”.
  • Many Alpines cheeses will be describe as Fruity or Nutty.
    • The Beaufort is both, and therefore is goes well with fruits, especially grapes, & nuts.
  • Because of its slight sweetness is can be baked in Tartes, Souffle, Fondue(more of that to come) & even in waffles.

Gratin dauphinois

  • What a dish.
  • Finely sliced blanched Potatoes & Heavy Cream.
  • Embellished with a thin coat of grated cheese.
  • That’s quite the contrast.
  • The Gratin dauphinois is the potato at its finest.
  • Many other dishes in this list will drown the potato’s taste under cream, cheese & charcuterie.
  • This one does not.
  • Here, the potatoes are the cream.
  • If you want to enjoy potatoes with only a little bit of garnish & spices this is the dish.
  • Subsequently, the potatoes should be cooked with more care.

Fondue savoyarde

  • When you place a large variety of cheeses in a hot pot & it turns into the savoriest lava.
  • Usually multiple cheeses are used.
  • If you’ve never tried a Fondue Savoyarde before we recommend something neutral such as Comte, Beaufort & Emmental,
    • These 3 are fruity enough, and not too strong to begin with.
  • Put your little cube of bread on your fork & dive into the pool of cheese.
  • Fondue can contain white wine, ask for an alcohol-less version if necessary.

Noix de Grenoble

  • Is it a dish?
  • It may as well be, you can eat it just like that & it will be satisfying.
  • Cultivated on the borders of the Isère since the XIth century, it was already a delicacy.
  • Used in the confection of Confitures, Crèmes de noix, Crèmes aromatiques, and other confectioneries such as Nougat.
  • The oil will add an original taste to your salads, tartines & pastas.
  • It is even used in the fabrication of Mustard.
  • The Noix de Grenoble pairs perfectly with regional cheeses.
  • It goes also well with honey & chocolate.


  • La Raclette is the Dish.
  • Melted cheese on potatoes.
  • And as you roll these potatoes in, you make the raclette flow.
  • Raclette is the festival food, because raclette is a festival.
  • Aromatic, salty, sweet, pungent, raclette is the cheese of the Alpes.
  • The texture of the raclette cheese is smooth, soft, creamy and firm, hard and slightly crumbly.
  • It comes with lots of charcuterie : ham and saucisson, and rosette, and salami & so on.
  • Sometimes they will be served with herbs, garlic & pickles(cornichons).
  • You could also go for more unusual garnishes such as truffles or tomatoes.


  • Savoyard gratin composed of soft potatoes, roasted bacon, minced golden onions & heavy cream.
  • The tartiflette can be freshen with a selection of aromatic herbs: persil, coriandre, cerfeuil.
    • Ask for these if you want a greener version.
  • Covered with Reblochon this gratin is one of the most memorable dishes of the region.


  • Quite the fatty cheese.
  • Produced with a milk coming from second milking, or fattier, giving it its creaminess.
  • ‘Reblocher’ means in French to pinch the cow’s udder a second time.
  • Supple, soft & unctuous with a nutty after-taste the Reblochon is piece of choice on your plateau de fromage.

Tomme de Savoie 

  • A Cheese that tastes like Butter.
  • Originally, la Tomme de Savoie was made with the skimmed milk remaining from butter’s fabrication.
  • Therefore, it is quite lean compared to many other French cheeses.
  • This peculiarity made its popularity even at an European scale.
  • As with many other French cheeses the milk used in its fabrication comes from its region.


10 Specialties of Alsace you need to try

  • Cheese, potatoes & meat.
  • Little cakes, tasty ginger bread & massive brioches.
  • Alsace gastronomy is savory, diverse, the portions are consequent & the dishes will make you ask for more.
  • As it is 1 of the nicest regions you’ll want to stay there, sit at a table, just eating.

What are the formidable dishes to come?
What are the Alsatian specialties?

  • Flammekueche
  • Baeckeoffe
  • Kouglof
  • Pain d’épices
  • Spaetzle
  • Bredele
  • Beerawecka
  • Mannala
  • Munster
  • Choucroute garnie


  • ‘The Flammekueche is very much like a pizza’, are tired to hear many Alsaciens.
  • It is a way to compare the 2 dishes but only if you like pizza with no tomatoes.
  • For the Flammekueche is a fine tart, embellished with cream, onions & smoked bacon.
  • Sometimes will be added a thin veil of local cheese.
  • It is truly a fine piece of french cuisine, and one of the most delicate dishes of Alsace.


  • ‘It looks like a stew.’ and you’d be right to think that.
  • Although the Baeckeoffe is longer to come, much longer.
  • It generally requires many, many hours of preliminary preparations.
  • Tender lamb meat cut right off the shoulder, a bed of lofty potatoes and baby carrots & onions.
  • Olive oil, drizzled on their bodies.
  • And all that bath in white wine with the best hostesses, Tarragon & Rosemary.
  • To enjoy hot with a fresh, crispy salad.
  • The fruity white wine is core to many Alsatian dishes, but you can opt for an alcohol-less version.


  • Kouglof (or Gugelhupf) is largely regarded as the Alsatian Brioche.
  • And in a country were brioches & cakes are half of the dishes that means it is extraordinary.
  • For a Brioche.
  • In the shape of a small castle it is one of the best looking traditional pastries you’ll find.
  • Much like a Panettone it can be garnished with Nuts, Candied fruit & Chocolate.
  • Generally you’ll find it vanilla, all fluffy & moist.
  • If you can find one that was prepared in an enameled clay mold (‘moule en terre émaillé’), that’s even better.

Pain d’épices

  • Ginger bread? But this one is different.
  • You may have had some ginger bread, you know about cinnamon, the molasse, maybe there was some syrup in it.
  • This one is not crunchy, it’s moist.
  • And it is drenched with honey.
  • Rye flour, honey & spices: cardamom, anise, nutmeg, cloves, you name it.
  • That’s the traditional recipe.
  • But the cinnamon pinch comes from the Alsatian version.


  • ‘They’re shaped like a sparrow’ or they should be.
  • A Spaetzle is a little Spatz, or a ‘little sparrow’.
  • Generally served with sausages & swabian-style lentils, these little pastas will make everything right.
  • And by that I mean that they’ll remind you of your childhood noodles.
  • You can also find them in salad for a lighter version.
  • Go for traditionally made Spaetzle as they are thicker & rounder.
  • The commercial version will be disappointing, and are definitely not shaped like sparrows.


  • Cookies or petit fours.
  • They may seem unremarkable, but they are cookies.
  • You can eat cookies elsewhere, but wouldn’t it be great to try cookies everywhere you go?
  • There’s a plethora of them: anis, confiture, citron, spirals, chocolate Spritz…
  • Everything that brings back Christmas everyday.
  • 1 of the most remarkable are the Noisettins, Bredele with an hazelnut embedded in the middle, the crunchiest & nuttiest one.


  • Now that’s a loaded cake.
  • Schnaps, quetsche & liqueur de mirabelle.
  • If you’re going out for a drink you may want to eat this instead.
  • The Beerawecka is a small cake filled with candied & dried fruits drenched in alcohol.
  • Much like an energy bar that would make/get you drunk.


  • Mannala or ‘little people’ in Alsatian are milk breads.
  • These little ‘pain au lait’ people are embedded with chocolate chips & coated with sugar.
  • The ultimate small brioche, since it’s human-shaped.
  • If you like Brioches & you like Humans, do for them.
  • There’s much more to say, but I prefer to eat them.


  • The Alsatian Cheese from the Munster valley.
  • This powerful soft cheese (fromage a pâte molle) is often eaten raw or accompanied with a strong red wine.
  • You could also opt for a slice of bread.

Choucroute garnie

  • Laaaa Choooucrouuute gaaarnie!
  • If you’ve ever been to France you know that Alsace is Choucroute.
  • That’s kind of a cliche actually, I don’t know if Alsaciens like it so much.
  • The Choucroute or Sauerkraut, as you may know it, is fermented cabbage.
  • As you may not know, the Alsatian version may be cooked in beer or white wine.
  • And, that’s it!
  • Choucroute + Sausages + Charcuterie + Potatoes = Happiness.


10 Things to do in Hong Kong

Where will you go 1st?

Welcome to the world’s 1st destination.

You plan to go to Hong-Kong and realize the city is massive.

You quickly get lost & wonder what you will do of the time you have at hand.

This is what you can do.

A quick review of our article’s content:

  • View Hong Kong from the Victoria Peak
  • Go along the City’s stream on the Star Ferry
  • Enter Kowloon’s Temple Street
  • Ride on Lantau island
  • Visit the Tian Tan Buddha
  • Wander around Sham Shui Po
  • Enter the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery
  • Dive in Hong Kong Ocean Park
  • Admire Tsim Sha Tsui’s Waterfront
  • Walk along the Dragon’s Back

View Hong Kong from the Victoria Peak

Take a peek at the world’s 1st City (for tourists)?

Welcome to the world’s 1st destination.

  • Start your trip with Hong Kong’s number 1 attraction.
  • Take the Peak Tram, the city’s oldest mode of public transport, all the way to the many vantage points.
  • The regular round-trip ticket‘s price is HK $52.
  • The reduced price (children and seniors) is HK $23.
  • Another option is to take a bus or a taxi to get to the top, since the Tram may be crowded. 
  • 2 of the main bus lines are the bus 15 and the mini-bus 1.
  • The bus 15 starts from Pier 5 or Exchange Square, Central.
  • The mini-bus 1 starts in City Hall, Central.
  • Both will bring you directly to the Peak.
  • You have reached at the top of Hong Kong.
  • Enjoy the view over the city’s dense skyline.
  • Admire the waterway as well as the outlying islands to the south.
  • Or move to the green hills of the distant New Territories. 
  • 3 main vantage points: the Peak Tower, Sky Terrace 428 & the Peak Galleria.
  • The Peak Galleria’s deck is free of charge.
  • The access to the Sky Terrace will cost you HK$52 (Reduced HK$26).
  • It is the highest 360 viewing terrace of the City.
  • Enjoy many of the dining and shopping options. 
  • Don’t forget to check the weather before going.
  • Reviewers on Trip Advisor suggest that when The Peak is foggy you won’t be able to see the city at all.
  • The Peak Tram
    • 7 am to 10 pm (Mon – Sun & Public Holidays)
    • Service frequency: every 15-20 mins
  • The Peak Tower 
    • 10 am to 10 pm (Mon – Fri)
    • 8 am to 10 pm (Sat, Sun & Public Holidays)
  • Sky Terrace 428
    • 10 am to 9 pm (Mon – Fri)
    • 8 am to 9 pm (Sat, Sun & Public Holidays)

Go along the City’s stream on the Star Ferry

Or you could go on the top deck…

Visiting Hong Kong on a boat?

  • Ride by night, if you want to take pictures.
  • Or on a sunny day where you can stand on the top deck while moving at a pace where you can capture everything you see.
  • It’s relaxed.
  • The journey frames the entire city’s skyline.
  • The ticket is cheap but not the view.
  • Planning a party trip?
  • You can hire the ferry for a special event:
  • Wedding cocktails, private parties, corporate events, new product launches, etc.
  • 4 options are available : “World Star”, ”Shining Star”, ”Meridian Star” and “Classic Ferry”.
  • Time & Trajet
  • The boats are available every day.
  • The Star Ferry Company shuttles passengers from its pier to Hong Kong Island.
  • Departure : Tsim Sha Tsui pier on the Kowloon Peninsula.
  • 2 arrivals : the Central pier or the Wan Chai pier on the Hong Kong Island. 
  • The Fare displayed is for the top deck.
  • The regular ticket is $2.7 on weekdays & $3.7 on weekends/holidays.
  • The reduced ticket is $1.6 on weekdays & $2.2 on weekends/holidays.
  • Tip for parents: Two children with height less than 95 cm, accompanied by a fare-paying passenger and not occupying a seat can travel free of charge on regular services.
  • It is free of charge for Seniors, under presentation of a senior card.
  • Trip Advisor’s certificate of excellency since 2015.

Enter Kowloon’s Temple Street

Just under the arch.

  • We recommend to take a look at the whole Kowloon market during the day, not only the temple market.
  • A huge variety of products from all of eastern Asia.
  • Wherever you are looking for practicalities or oddities and are quite price-conscious you will be served well.
  • The Temple Street Night Market takes place at… night.
  • That’s useful.
  • Find all the souvenirs you need.
  • There are lots of restaurants, and a nice variety of dishes.
  • But you’ll be especially in luck if you have a weakness for seafood.
  • Shop through the bazaar & discover items you didn’t know you needed.
  • Anything is good to, at least, look at.
  • Wherever it is electronic gadgets, colorful clothes, or replica of famous art pieces.
  • That’s the place to learn haggling.
  • When you’re done shopping the Tin Hau Temple is waiting for you.
  • One of the temple’s many attractions is the late night fortune tellers.
  • Many of them use unusual & probably unknown methods such as skull shape reading.
  • Try yourself at the street-side karaoke bars.

Ride on Lantau island

That’s fine…
We won’t fall.

  • Before climbing the stairs to the Tian Tan Buddha, travel over Lantau Island on the Ngong Ping 360, a floating creature of metal & glass.
  • Admire Lantau’s luxuriant mantle.
  • In last resort, you could take a bus or a taxi. 
  • Although, you’d miss the opportunity to be suspended high above the ground.
  • It is highly popular since the cable car itself is an attraction.
  • Therefore booking your Ngong Ping 360 ticket in advance is the best choice.
  • You can opt for the Standard Cabin.
    • Regular is HK$235, child HK$110 & senior HK$155.
  • Or extend your point of view with the crystal cabin, which has a glass bottom.
    • Regular HK$315, child HK$190 & senior HK$235.
  • Private cabins are also available.
  • The Standard Cabin fee is HK$3,800 per cabin & HK$4,500 per cabin for the Crystal version.
  • It may be a valuable option if you came as a group.
  • The private cabin formula also includes the Walking with Buddha attraction (detailed in the next section).
  • The other attraction of the NP360 is the Motion 360.
  • The Motion 360 is a senses enhancing cinema experience.
  • The movie projected will immerse all your senses in a seat-wrecking journey.
  • 2 shows are available:
    • Walking with Budha(next section)
    • Learn to fly with  Xiaoding & Taotao in Little Ants Adventure.
      • Ride an invisible spaceship over the head of the Tian Tan Budha down to seas depths to visit the Chinese Pink Dolphin in Discover Lantau.
  • At the end of the ride get some gifts at the Motion 360 Souvenir Shop in the Ngong Ping Village.

Visit the Tian Tan Buddha

I thought he had a 1000 hands…
  • At only 10 min on feet of Ngong Ping Village sits the Tian Tin Buddha.
  • This statue is the depiction of the founder of Buddhism, Shakyamuni Buddha, jewel of Hong-Kong & protector of main land China.
  • It is the world’s second largest outdoor bronze seated Buddha.
  • It reposes on a lotus throne, the “Altar of Heaven”, situated on a mountaintop.
  • Which means landscapes shots for your eyes & cameras.
  • The view is great during the day, but at night the crepuscular views bring a contrasting atmosphere and after night fall the statue is enlightened.
  • The stairs can be a little rough but climbing them slowly gives you the opportunity to admire the landscape, making every break enjoyable.
Attraction : Walking with Buddha.
  • The story of the revelation through which Siddhartha Gautama reached enlightenment.
  • The story begins with a short video in the courtyard.
  • “Who am I and why am I here?” is the question whose this story will answer.
  • You will next walk through a path consisting of 3 steps.
  • The “palace” step is an introductory video projected into the courtyard depicting the palace life of Siddhartha Gautama, his pondering & his departure.
  • The “temple” step is the pondering step.
    • Pick a Bodhi leaf, read the words & think.
    • Then send back the leaf to the Buddha.
  • The last step is the forest & the “Path of Enlightenment”.
    • Here you will be presented the origins of Buddhism & the way it spread through the world.
  • The walk can be a little demanding.
  • Therefore, Ngong Ping 360 Limited advises that you assess if you are actually fit for it prior to the ticket buying.
  • Schedule
    • From 11am to 5pm on Weekdays.
    • And from 10am to 5:40pm on Weekends & Public Holidays.
    • The attraction lasts 20 minutes.
  • Fare
    • The Adult ticket is HK$40.
    • The Child ticket (3-11) is HK$20.
    • The Senior ticket is HK$28.

Wander around Sham Shui Po

Shops and…
  • The sightseeing opportunities are numerous in Sham Sui Po and its vicinity.
  • You can find a diversity of buildings retracing the architectural history of Hong-Kong.
  • As the Maryknoll Convent School, one of the prestigious schools of Hong Kong.
    • Opened in 1920s, this institution is delivering education up to this day.
  • In another vein, you can find many artisans & crafter markets that you can visit just for the sights.
  • In fact, whole streets can be dedicated to a single product such as:
    • The Nam Cheong Street for Ribbon.
    • The Ki Lung Street for Buttons.
    • The Tai Nan Street for Leather.
  • Subsequently, you will find many traditional fabriques.
  • A plethora of shops from historical fabriques to flea markets.
  • You don’t have to buy anything to have a good time around.
  • But the colors & the odors will probably make you want to buy something, like…
  • Computer parts?
  • The Golden Shopping Centre is historically the centre of computer shopping in Hong Kong.
  • If you are looking for latest PCs, laptops, phones and tablets, you’re where you’re supposed to be. 
  • The Golden Computer Arcade’s entry is near Exit D2 of the MTR.
  • The Golden Computer Plaza’s entry is located in Fuk Wing Street.
  • Wholesome food?
  • The Pei Ho Street Market is an illustrative Hong Kong “wet market”.
  • On the lower floors you will find everything for self-catering: fresh fruit, vegetables, meat & fish.
  • On the upper floors you will find the cooked food market: cafe & street food.
  • Only great fast food at budget prices.
  • Clothes & Electronics?
  • Dragon Centre displays electronics shopping, and Hong-Kong brands on its 9 levels.
  • Inside the Dragon Center is embedded a smaller mall, the Apple Mall.
  • It specializes in clothing shops for those who look for the trendiest fashion.
  • A food court and indoor skating ring complete the facilities.
  • It is located next to the Sham Shui Po Police Station.
  • Do you want more trendy products & are ready to go a little further around the district?
  • If so, The Festival Walk is the go-to place for you. 
  • It is one of Hong Kong’s largest indoor shopping malls.
  • You will find all the large brands here.
  • The Walk is located at Kowloon Tong, just above the corresponding MTR station.
  • Bath in the food’s Diversity.
  • Looking for the one of the best dim sum shops of Hong Kong?
  • Tim Ho Wan will offer you one of the finest selection of dim sums, or Asian sandwiches as they are also known.
  • Not only it is great, it is also cheap.
  • Your best bet is the baked barbecue pork buns.
  • Want to eat outdoor?
  • The So Kee is a dai pai dong, a rare traditional outdoor food stall.
  • For the best of the street food experience, go for any suggestion or dish you will come across on that day.
  • Or you can have a bowl of instant noodles with steamed or broiled meat and a fried egg as a topping.
  • Really, it’s the occasion to try something you don’t know, since everything will look appetizing.
  • Don’t forget the Hong Kong-style milk tea.
  • Want a steak?
  • The Flying Eagle is an old-school, Chinese-style steakhouse.
  • Get into this European style atmosphere and order yourself a bowl of German soup & a plate of pork.
  • Or a nice steak with fries & cabbage.
  • Don’t forget the bread rolls & the heavy sauce.

…more shops.

Enter the
Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery

You don’t need a 3rd eye.

  • Located in Sha Tin.
  • The Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery (萬佛寺) is composed of 5 temples, 4 pavilions & 1 pagoda.
  • Along the path, composed of hundreds of stairs, you will be accompanied by a myriad of statues.
  • The path is long, you can take your time admiring each of the unique statues’ features.
  • Watch the various poses & facial expressions.
  • The path is located in Po Fook Hill Mountains of the New Territories area.
  • Therefore, taking short breaks just for the view is a good idea.
  • The hills & mountains are also the home of small monkeys.
  • So if your walk is mildly paced they may approach you.
  • Arrived at the monastery, have a look at the surroundings.
  • The valley is beyond you.
  • Walk around the peaceful pavilions.
  • Walk along the nine stories & the veranda surrounded by the golden statues.
  • The monastery is situated in a mountain area.
  • Which means the rainfall is more frequent than usual, and the weather is globally more humid.
  • Therefore, the monastery can be closed in case of heavy rainfall.
  • Time & Fare
  • The monastery is open from 9 am to 5:30 pm.
  • Except special event or particular measures the monastery is open to the public every day.
  • The restaurant opens from 10:30 am to 4 pm.
  • It is closed on Thursdays.
  • The admission to the monastery is free.

Dive in Hong Kong Ocean Park

If you want something different from Disneyland.
  • Hong Kong’s 1st marine theme park.
  • Thrill rides, family memories & beasts from the seas and the land are all waiting, in Ocean Park.
Thrill rides
  • The Wild Twister situated in Marine World | Summit.
    • One of the newest rides combining the properties of many other arm-based devices namely extended arms, twisting seats, independent axes pushing you away from the other participants & back to them.
  • Rides’ Requirement: height between 137 cm (54″) and 195 cm (77″).
  • Arctic Blast situated in Polar Adventure | Summit.
    • Traverse Ocean Park’s snows-cape wonderland on a sleigh!
    • Bring back photos of the fantastic frozen environment on a roller coaster!
  • Rides’ Requirement: height above 100 cm (39″), age 4 or above.
    • Children under 6 must be accompanied by a 15 yo or above person.
  • The Abyss, VR Space Voyage, situated in Marine World | Summit
    • A beyond the pale voyage up to Titan and then back to the blue planet.
    • Dive into the pitch black vista.
    • Gather alien resources & defend your ship from the asteroid tempests.
  • Rides’ Requirement: height above 132 cm (52″), age 13 or above.
    • Virtual Reality’s Requirement:
    • The Park advises that any person with a serious medical condition, particularly eye-related, vision-related or epilepsy dizziness, to not use VR headgear.
    • All items affecting the VR headgear safe use must be removed.
  • Complete consignes can be found on the Abyss page.
  • Animals
    • The Giant Panda Adventure introduces you to different types of… Panda.
    • The giant pandas, you may already have seen everywhere, but also the smaller red pandas.
    • When you’re done, why not have a snack at the nearby Club Panda?
  • The Grand Aquarium, situated in Aqua City | Waterfront, will bring you to the depths of the oceans.
    • Exposing before you a plethora of living beings.
  • Marine Mammal Breeding and Research Centre situated in Marine World | Summit.
    • The animal care & ecological research center of the park.
    • The park motto being, ‘Connect people with nature’, this facility does a crucial part of the job.
  • Time & trajet
    • The park is vast and you may not want to go through all of it on foot.
    • You can move from one attraction to the next via a Cable Car or by using the Ocean Express.
    • Both the Cable Cars & the Express are adapted for wheelchairs.
    • Ocean Park is opening from 10 am to 6 pm on weekdays, and 10 am to 7 pm on weekends and public holidays.
  • Fare
    • The Adult ticket (aged 12 or above) is HK$498.
    • The Child ticket (aged 3-11) is HK$249.
  • Others

Admire Tsim Sha Tsui‘s Waterfront

‘World’s Largest Permanent Light and Sound Show’ – Guinness World Records

  • Better arrive at the Waterfront in the evening, before the show begins.
  • If you happen to be there at dusk then you’re in for some amazing pictures of the Sunset.
  • You’ll also be able to catch a glimpse of Hong Kong skyline across the waters.
  • If you are there really early there is a shopping plaza nearby as well as many restaurants.
  • You can also get to the Museum of History and discover this Waterfront’s story.
  • Lose yourself in a Symphony of Lights.
  • At 8 pm, a wall of over 40 skyscrapers will display a myriad of sounds & lights.
  • The show combines visuals, music & narration representing the spirit of Hong Kong. 
  • The rain of light pours in synergy with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra performance.
  • Light installations and LED displays on both sides of Victoria Harbor.
  • After (or before) the show you can get to one of the many restaurants nearby.
  • Looking for sweets?
    • Get to Yuk Yip Dessert.
  • Need more Dim Sum?
    • Then let’s go to Bo Innovation.
  • Want a warm beverage?
    • Lin Heung Tea House is next to you.
    • Try their Lotus seed paste bun.

Walk along the Dragon’s Back

Scratch the back with your feet…
  • Walk under the Sun and over the green mantle of the hills.
  • A trekking journey with amazing views, on a Dragon’s spine.
  • Dragon’s Back is the most popular portion of a larger urban hike.
  • Easily accessible, in the city and offering a diversity of panoramic views on the sea.
  • May be the time to take some panoramic pictures.
  • Glance at the bays, beaches & peripheral islands as you walk along the mountain ridge.
  • Multiple tracks are available in function of your experience with trekking :
  • The circular hike around Shek O is the shorter: walk for half the trek & take the bus back.
  • The linear hike to Big Wave Bay is 8 km long, and takes in average 4 hours to complete.
  • The full ride is a little longer, but you end up on a beach.
  • At the end of the hike, you can have a snack at Big Wave Bay or Shek O beach. 
  • Better start early in the morning.
  • Do check the weather, because it could affect the difficulty of the journey.
  • You can rest at one of the multiple viewing points.
  • Guided tours are available.
  • You jave the possibility to do some paragliding.
  • Alone or in tandem.
  • X-Fly Hong Kong proposes this service as well as training courses in paragliding. 
…down to the blue bottom

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