
Living in France: Sample Monthly Budget

  • How much does it cost to live in France?
  • Here’s a sample Monthly Budget.
  • The cost of life will comprise 6 areas: Housing, Communications, Transportation, Services, Groceries, and Entertainment.
  • The Cost will be detailed in 2 scenario: Single/Couple & a Family of 4/5.
  • The costs in this article will be indicated in Euros, for immediate projection purpose.
  • You can consider that 1$ = 1€.
  • It will make values more understandable.
  • It will even out in most cases.
  • If you wish to know more about currency pair velocity you can search about the Eurodollar evolution & Currency Pair: EUR/USD on sites like Investopedia or other financial websites.


  • Good to know : About the minimum wage.
  • In France the minimum monthly wage, for a 35-hour week, is €1,219 after deduction of social security taxes & income tax (as of 01/01/2020).
  • Rent
    • As a Single person/Couple rent could cost you as little as 575 euros Charges Comprises for a 3 rooms 2 bedrooms 70m² apartment on southern Paris.
    • The rent itself would be 450 euros + 50-125 euros of Charges (water, waste, & in this case heat).
    • This cases are not the norm, but they do exist if you contact the owner directly.
    • A realtor may make you pay up to 900-1000 euros for a 2 bedroom appartment.
  • A Family of 4/5 could find a 6 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 121 m² apartment for as little as 850 euros Charges Comprises in Provence, Laragne-Monteglin.
    • Again, try to contact the owner directly via a website like lefigaro immobilier (immobilier = real estate).
    • A realtor may add up to 650 euros fee on a similar product raising the rent to 1500
  • Les Charges Comprises (Utilities) are a fraction of the housing included in the rent.
    • They include Water, Wastes & Garbage.
    • They could include Electricity (general & Heating/Cooling).
    • They could include Telephone & Internet.
  • La Quotion.
    • The owner will often ask you an upfront payment on the 1st month equal to a month of rent.
    • It is asked by the owner to secure the rent & to cover the reparation costs.
    • On the Single/Couple example it would be 575 * 2 = 1150€ on the 1st month.
    • On the Family example it would be 850 * 2 = 1700€ on the 1st month.
    • La Quotion is only due on the 1st month, and is returned to you at the end of the rent period if the property hasn’t been degraded.
  • The last thing will be ‘l’assurance habitation’ (house insurance), more on this in the Bank section.


  • France as many other countries, offers package deals (Internet + Phone)
  • 3 of the most popular package deals are the SOSH(Orange) package 15€/m, the Free package 20€/m & the B&You (Bouygues) package 20€/m.
  • Both of these packages include International phone calls.
  • They are ‘Sans engagement’ meaning the contract can be interrupted at any moment (you still have to pay the actual month).
  • If you are form the US or the UK some of your favorite shows may not be available in France due to region restriction.
  • So we recommend you use a VPN.
  • VPNs can be found for as little as 5€/m.


  • Good to know : As you arrive at the Airport, it’s a good idea to have 50 euros in cash to pay for transportation.
  • ATMs are available in every airport.
  • A One-way Ticket for the Local Transport will cost from 1.7 to 2€.
  • The ‘Carte d’abonnement’ (subscription card) are value season ticket.
  • They allow you to subscribe to a transportation service for a week, a month or a whole year.
  • Les ‘Carte d’abonnement’ will generally cost you around 70€ (Navigo) as an adult, and 35€ as a child/student on Paris.
  • On Marseilles the Regular Price of a Monthly Pass is 48€.
  • They also serve as transportation titles, be sure to have it with you at all times.
  • Know that the transportation expenses can be exonerated from your taxes if you are subscribing via a ‘Carte d’abonnement’.
  • ‘Carte d’abonnement’ become particularly advantageous when it comes to Trains.
  • La SNCF(main train company), offers la ‘Carte Liberté’ a yearly pass that cut the cost of all your train travels by 45%(1st class) to 60%(2nd class).
  • It also allows you to exchange or refund your tickets without additional cost.
  • It’s 399/y for an adult.
  • Up to 3 accompanying children (age 4-11), get another 50% off based on the fare paid by the cardholder.
  • It is valid for all types of travels, in France & in Europe.

Financial & Health Services

  • Health & Social
    • The National Social Security (l’Assurance Maladie) covers almost every Health/Social-related expanses.
    • Doctor’s visit is around 25€, fully refunded.
    • Almost every merchandise bought in Pharmacy is refunded.
    • Additionally, you can pay for a ‘Mutuelle santé’ which will cover certain specific treatments & expenses (essentially paramedical expenses).
  • Insurance
    • Insuring your Car & Home is mandatory.
    • Most Home insurances cover an apartment.
    • They can highly variate, between 96 & 352€ per year, so we will detail how to choose your insurance depending on where you live in another article.
    • 2 of the most cost effective options are the Inter Assurances comfort plan (112€/y) & the Carrefour formule essentielle (157€/y).
  • Banks
    • For extra convenience, most banks propose an housing insurance plan.
    • As for Insurance companies, Banks annual fees can hugely oscillate, between 23€ & 242€ per year.
    • 3 of the most cost effective options are the Boursorama banque (23€/y), the Fortuneo banque (28€/y) & the Orange bank (40€/y).
    • Note that the bank account opening will cost you 80€ for the 3 aforementioned banks.

Self-Catering & Groceries

  • Super-Markets
    • As a Single person /couple monthly groceries cost around 200€
    • As a Family you could go up to 500€.
    • The main supermarket/hypermarkets chains are Carrefour, Auchan & Super/Hyper U.
  • Convenient stores are the less cost effective option.
  • Markets/Marches Locaux offer a diversity of fresh products, at extremely competitive prices.
    • Every City/Town/Village has a weekly market.
    • The biggest Cities & Regional Capitals have daily markets.
  • More on markets with our Marches Locaux & Regional Specialties tops.


  • Cinema
    • The ticket costs around 10€.
    • Some cinemas like UGC & Pathe/Gaumont offer a monthly pass for unlimited access at 20€/m.
  • Restaurants
    • The price on the bill includes service, you don’t need to leave a tip.
    • A 3-course meal for 1 person: 20-30€.
    • A Lunch for 1 person: 10-15€.
  • Snack-Bars, Cafes & Boulangeries
    • Cafe: 2-4€, it’s more expensive if you drink it on the terrasse.
    • Pastries/Viennoiseries: 2-3€
    • Sandwiches/Pizza/Tartes: 5-7€ (with Fries? Add another 2€)
    • Salads: 7-10€
    • Baguette/Bread: 0.9€
  • Food Delivery
    • Web services such as Deliveroo & Glovo are available in France.
    • You may already know about them, so…
  • Hairdressers & Barbershops
    • Around 30€ for women (80€ for a color), 20€ for men, 10€ for children.
    • Salon products may cost around 20-40€.
  • Gym club
    • 30-50€ on Paris, around 40€ on Lyon & Nice, around 30€ for the rest of the country.
  • Landmarks, Museums & Art Galleries
    • The access to many Museums in France is around 10€.
    • Some Museums, like Musee d’Orsay or Centre Georges Pompidou offer 2 types of tickets.
      • Le ‘Billet coupe-file’, that will allow you to have preferential access to the art pieces (14 to 16€).
      • La ‘Visite guidée’, which entitles you to a tour of the Museum (49€ for Orsay, 94€ for Pompidou).
  • The access to Museums & Landmarks is free on holidays & festivals such as Journées du patrimoine or 14 Juillet.
  • Certain Museums & Landmarks will also allow you to enter for free on Sundays.

ExpensesEuros €/m
Studio/1 room
2 rooms
3 rooms
4 rooms
430 – 1000
80 – 200
Phone + Internet (wifi/mobile)
Transportation (monthly pass)
One-way Ticket
Bus + Metro + others
Train (Yearly Discount pass)
1.7 – 2
399(+ ticket)
Financial services
Insurance (Health + Home + Life)
For 2
For 4/5
Entertainment (1 seance/1 dinner)
up to 10
up to 10