
Ever thought about Working in France?

  • Want to work lesser hours, more focused, more intensely?
  • Wish you had more time for your friends & family while developing a side business?
  • Want to change of atmosphere?
  • Think your skills are under-appreciated where you live?
  • Move to France.

An Outline of the article:

  • Work-Life Balance
  • 35 hours work week
  • Where to Work?
  • In Which Sectors?

Work-Life Balance

  • Will your work-life balance be any different if you move to France?
  • Ultimately, it depends on you.
  • But if you’ve decided to move it must mean that you intend to make it happen.
  • Maybe you moved for transportation fluidity, which will make you save an extra hour every day.
  • Maybe for a better atmosphere, which will grant you a better health & will allow you to save time & money on medical treatment.
  • Maybe you’ve adopted a minimalist lifestyle when moving which will ,again, allow you to save time & money.

35 hours work week

  • What would you do if you had an extra 5 hours every week?
  • An extra hour every day?
  • Spend more time with friends & family?
  • Start a side project?
  • Yes, you can.
  • And you don’t even have to cut another hour of leisure time.

Where to Work?

  • In Paris, Marseilles or Lyon?
  • Yes, you can.
  • Although the 3 biggest cities of France are less & less sough after.
  • The reasons?
  • Pollution, criminality & congested traffic.
  • Maybe the same reasons why you quit your country in the 1st place.
  • If you want to have a glimpse of the French Metropolises, you could always live in the suburbs, or just out of the center.
  • There are also options like Aix, Bordeaux or Dijon, which offer more reasonable housing options.
  • Working in Western France?
  • French people want to work in Western France.
  • Why?
  • Unemployment is low, and it decreases.
  • The train & aerial web is consistant & effective.
  • This is true for most of France, but even more so in the West.
  • The degree of integration of young people in the market is higher.
  • The median wage is high.
  • Regions such as Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Pays de la Loire & Bretagne are more & more attractive to French people.
  • Bretagne(Brittany), has long been a favorite of travelers, especially British, and foreigners who wished to install in France.
  • Today Rennes is 1 of the top choices for French people & people from abroad alike.
  • If you prefer a bigger city & warmer climate Bordeaux, the capital of Nouvelle-Aquitaine would suit you.
  • If you are fine with something more temperate & prefer a calmer, smaller place, Angers is for you.
  • Example of western french Cities & Town you may consider: Lyon, Grenoble, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Annecy, Chambéry, Tours et Clermont-Ferrand.

In Which Sectors?

Transportation, Logistics & Supply chain:

  • The Cariste (Forklift operator) manages merchandises stocks (transportation, checking & quality control).
  • The Agent de fabrication (processing agent) is managing the conception of products mainly in automobile, plasturgie, electrical/electronic appliances, automotive & aeronautics.
  • Conducteurs de poids lourds (truck drivers) is another job where offers explode.
  • Finally, Techniciens de maintenance (service technicians) is the job category that recruits the most.
  • All these jobs are now qualified as ‘metier en tension’, or highly sough after jobs.

B2B Marketing:

  • Customer Success Specialist, this one requires a sense of information flux management, managing the balance between marketing & adds, but also knowledge of financial services.
  • Community Manager, this 1 will be sough after in the domains of Marketing & adds, of course, but also Local Branding, PR, and Sports.

Civil engineering, Construction & Real Estate

  • These jobs will be in demand because New Cities (e.g. Strasbourg) are emerging & metropolises (e.g. Lyon) are growing.
  • There is another reason.
  • In certain parts of France, real estate becomes inappropriately over-priced.
  • The solution? Build new buildings & sell them.

Agriculture & Food engineering.

  • This is where you’ll find some of the Frenchest jobs such as Viticulteur or Sommelier.
  • But also Ingénieur agronome as well as œnologue.
  • Central France invests heavily in Food engineering, especially town like Angers.
  • More & more universities & institutes are specialized in Agriculture & Agro-engineering.

Machine Learning & Cyber Security

  • If you’re already a computer scientist/engineer, a programmer or a software engineer you will integrate easily to the market, wherever you are in AI or not.
  • Know that France is 1 of the biggest investors in machine learning, probably the 1st in Europe.
  • So, if you’re honing your Python & Tensorflow/Keras skills, France could be the country for you.