
Living in France : Angers, the best town?

  • What’s the Best town in France?
  • Is there a singular answer?
  • Angers received the title of 1st town where it’s good to live multiple years, and has been classed as 1 of the best towns of France many years consecutively.
  • What makes it a great town to live?
  • There are 7 reasons orienting our choice/pick:
  • Academic Excellency
  • High quality Healthcare
  • Environmental integration
  • Cool Atmosphere
  • Low Crime
  • Reasonable Housing & Real Estate
  • Entertainment & Cultural Patrimony

Academic excellency & Food Engineering

  • Wherever it is Grade School or University, Angers invests highly in it’s education.
  • Angers has a great State University.
  • Angers is heavily investing in Engineering through l’Ecole Supérieur d’Agriculture (ESA).
  • Most notably Agricultural & Biological Engineering through the Istom, an Institute specialized in Food Engineering.
  • This school, trains engineers specializing in agricultural fields, has strategically set up in the heart of Pays de la Loire. a region that excels in this area.
  • Innovation in Plants/Crops development though new technology.
  • The Angers’ University & the Istom have developed a large inter-partnership web with R&D centers & partners such as ESA, Essca, Agro Campus Ouest, INRA.
  • Angers has also developed a ‘Campus du végétal’, a polarizing infrastructure composed of 2 parts:
    • La ‘Maison du végétal’ is the Competitiveness & Industrial development pole gathering industrial professionals, CEOs & professional syndicates of the field.
    • L’Institut du végétal The Campus gathers more 250 researchers & engineers as well as students.

High quality Healthcare

  • Health physical and mental health factors including
  • As for the rest of France, the life expectancy is high: 83 years.
  • France is 5th is most benchmarks in terms of life expectancy (Spain, Italy & Sweden have a similar index).
  • and adults reporting insufficient sleep or mentally unhealthy days.
  • Health Amenities & Services
  • The Accessibility to a general practitioner is very high, 1 of the highest in France.
  • The same goes for dentists, kinésithérapeute, gynecologists, pediatricians & ophthalmologists.
  • The access to mental health providers (psychiatrists) & primary care providers (nurses) is also high.
  • Angers holds 17 hospitals & multiple red cross establishments.
  • based on the number of hospitals,
  • Physical Activity
  • As said earlier, Parks are plentiful in Angers & more than 300 of them are Equipped for physical activity.
  • To compare most towns in France have between 20 & 50 equipped parks.

Continuous attention to the environment

  • Angers develops cross-domain policies to enhance Energy efficiency & Sustainable Urbanisme.
  • Angers shines through its measures in term of modern Urbanisme.
  • Angers is the greenest Town of France (palmarès Unep 2014).
  • Her R&D is oriented through vegetal production & innovation supporting the City of Tomorrow.
  • Wherever it is professionals, or enthusiast, the Angevins(Angers’ inhabitants) are making their town greener.
  • The vegetal declination embellish the historical, namely medieval but also antique, patrimony of the town.
  • Angers, has obtain the label ‘4 fleurs’ at the ‘Villes et Villages fleuris’ national competition.
  • Every habitant can access to a green space through feet.
  • Angers holds more than 40 parks, 550 ha of green space or more than 40 m2 per habitant.
  • The town gathers more than 1 000 ha of natural spaces, 110 000 tree & 1 000 resting spots.
  • Angers organizes every year a competition named ‘Jardins d’expression’.
  • The Goal of this competition is to ‘enhance the bond between human & nature though patrimonial valorisation & horticultural know-how.’
  • Up to 40 Jardins are elaborated by engineer/agriculture/designer students, high schoolers & grade schoolers.
  • The 40 pieces are then presented to more than 30000 visitors.

A Cool Atmosphere

  • The amount of Sunlight is consequent at every time of the year.
  • While at the same time the weather is not too Hot thanks to the western winds.
  • In term of convenience, commute times are short, walkability is good, and distance to airports is reasonable.
  • The Public Transportation web, composed mainly of Buses & Tramways, is consistant & effective.
  • Its is designed to create as little atmospheric pollution as possible.
  • Angers has many environmental advantages.
  • The air is one of the purest in France thanks to the winds (vents d’ouest).
  • You will often be at a reasonable distance of both the sea & the mountain.

Low Crime

  • Angers’ criminality (property & violent crime risk) is low compared to the National index.
  • Criminality growth is steady.
  • The Town is big enough to have 4 Precincts.
  • The Gendarmeries posts & police departments within the Town’s boundaries are easily accessible, as everywhere else in France.
  • The Population contributes to the maintain of peace through militant & Associative actions, community support & ‘Maisons de quartier’.
  • The investment made in Education, Culture & Sports policies are crucial to maintain the criminality at a low level, especially with youths.
  • The constant embellishment of the town & the activity of communities Associations contributes largely to the reduction of criminal acts.

Reasonable Housing & Real Estate

  • Angers is not an expensive Town.
  • This goes for the cost of Life in general as well as Housing.
  • Housing oscillate between 600 & 900€.
  • You can find a 2-bedroom apartment for as little as 700 in Southern Angers.
  • You can find a 2-bedroom apartment for as little as 750-800 in Central Angers.
  • You can find a 3-bedroom house for as little as 750 in Southern Angers.
    • In districts such as La Roseraie or Chateaubriant the prices are reasonable.
  • It may be difficult to find a 3-bedroom house in Central Angers, but the offers exist.
  • It’s a good idea to go directly to the owner through immobilier(real estate) websites so you don’t have to pay agency fee.
  • You’ll often save from 150-200.

Entertainment & Cultural Patrimony

  • Angers displays its historical patrimony through constant renovation & restauration.
  • Angers integrates its historical patrimony into the general Urbanisme.
  • Most of Angers’ historical patrimony is Medieval, but you also have many Antique structures & art pieces.
  • Angers displays a quality cultural offer.
  • The Angevins are a very cinema-loving population.
  • Angers holds 3 of the great Musée de France (National museums).
  • The Art Galleries are plentiful as well you can find many famous paintings that were painted in Angers & are now exposed in here to this day.
  • Multiple poets such as Ronsard & Du Bellay, have their pieces of poetry accessible from local museums & art galleries.
  • La Cathedral d’Angers is the monument of the Town.
  • Its Gates are embedded with Polychromies (Multi-color sculptures).
  • A new gallery is about to be build around the gates to protect the Sculptures.
  • The project directed by Japanese architecte Kengo Kuma aims to protects the Polychromies of the Cathedral.
  • The abundant use of Wood, the limitation in the use of Concrete & Steel pairs with the way Angers is built.
  • Sustainable & Aesthetic Urbanisme are the end goal.