
8 Specialties of Rhones-Alpes-Savoie you need to try

Disclaimer: Most of the dishes you will experience here are Potatoes, Charcuterie & Cheese.
Heavy, creamy, ample cheese.
If you want to live a long & healthy life do not read the rest of this article.

What are the formidable specialties to come?

  • Beaufort
  • Gratin Dauphinois
  • Fondue savoyarde
  • Noix de Grenoble
  • Raclette
  • Tartiflette
  • Reblochon
  • Tomme de Savoie 


  • Many part of France are made of cheese.
  • But Alpes-Savoie must be one of the cheesiest parts of the country.
  • The greatest variety of Gruyère, or Swiss cheese as it is also known.
  • The Beaufort has won the name of “Prince des Gruyères”.
  • Many Alpines cheeses will be describe as Fruity or Nutty.
    • The Beaufort is both, and therefore is goes well with fruits, especially grapes, & nuts.
  • Because of its slight sweetness is can be baked in Tartes, Souffle, Fondue(more of that to come) & even in waffles.

Gratin dauphinois

  • What a dish.
  • Finely sliced blanched Potatoes & Heavy Cream.
  • Embellished with a thin coat of grated cheese.
  • That’s quite the contrast.
  • The Gratin dauphinois is the potato at its finest.
  • Many other dishes in this list will drown the potato’s taste under cream, cheese & charcuterie.
  • This one does not.
  • Here, the potatoes are the cream.
  • If you want to enjoy potatoes with only a little bit of garnish & spices this is the dish.
  • Subsequently, the potatoes should be cooked with more care.

Fondue savoyarde

  • When you place a large variety of cheeses in a hot pot & it turns into the savoriest lava.
  • Usually multiple cheeses are used.
  • If you’ve never tried a Fondue Savoyarde before we recommend something neutral such as Comte, Beaufort & Emmental,
    • These 3 are fruity enough, and not too strong to begin with.
  • Put your little cube of bread on your fork & dive into the pool of cheese.
  • Fondue can contain white wine, ask for an alcohol-less version if necessary.

Noix de Grenoble

  • Is it a dish?
  • It may as well be, you can eat it just like that & it will be satisfying.
  • Cultivated on the borders of the Isère since the XIth century, it was already a delicacy.
  • Used in the confection of Confitures, Crèmes de noix, Crèmes aromatiques, and other confectioneries such as Nougat.
  • The oil will add an original taste to your salads, tartines & pastas.
  • It is even used in the fabrication of Mustard.
  • The Noix de Grenoble pairs perfectly with regional cheeses.
  • It goes also well with honey & chocolate.


  • La Raclette is the Dish.
  • Melted cheese on potatoes.
  • And as you roll these potatoes in, you make the raclette flow.
  • Raclette is the festival food, because raclette is a festival.
  • Aromatic, salty, sweet, pungent, raclette is the cheese of the Alpes.
  • The texture of the raclette cheese is smooth, soft, creamy and firm, hard and slightly crumbly.
  • It comes with lots of charcuterie : ham and saucisson, and rosette, and salami & so on.
  • Sometimes they will be served with herbs, garlic & pickles(cornichons).
  • You could also go for more unusual garnishes such as truffles or tomatoes.


  • Savoyard gratin composed of soft potatoes, roasted bacon, minced golden onions & heavy cream.
  • The tartiflette can be freshen with a selection of aromatic herbs: persil, coriandre, cerfeuil.
    • Ask for these if you want a greener version.
  • Covered with Reblochon this gratin is one of the most memorable dishes of the region.


  • Quite the fatty cheese.
  • Produced with a milk coming from second milking, or fattier, giving it its creaminess.
  • ‘Reblocher’ means in French to pinch the cow’s udder a second time.
  • Supple, soft & unctuous with a nutty after-taste the Reblochon is piece of choice on your plateau de fromage.

Tomme de Savoie 

  • A Cheese that tastes like Butter.
  • Originally, la Tomme de Savoie was made with the skimmed milk remaining from butter’s fabrication.
  • Therefore, it is quite lean compared to many other French cheeses.
  • This peculiarity made its popularity even at an European scale.
  • As with many other French cheeses the milk used in its fabrication comes from its region.

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