
20 Best Cities/Towns of France to live & work

  • Have you ever though about France?
  • For holidays, maybe.
  • What about 5 years holidays?
  • What about living & working there?

Here are for you 20 of the best towns of France where it’s good to live & work:

  • Rennes
  • Clermont-Ferrand
  • Lyon
  • Bordeaux
  • Montpellier
  • Tours
  • Grenoble
  • Annecy.
  • Angers
  • Brest
  • Strasbourg
  • Nantes
  • Toulouse
  • Nice
  • Lille
  • Dijon
  • Metz
  • Orleans
  • Nancy
  • Rouen

A little thing about Paris & Ile-de-France

  • The capital is an amazing place to be, especially if you’re from outside of Europe.
  • However, in the last few decades many French workers (cadres) have began to massively quit Paris & Ile-de-France.
  • If you are moving to France because you went there on travels and find the country expensive, try towns & cities like Toulouse, Bordeaux or Dijon.
  • The metropolises experience multiple issues with Safety & Transportations systems.
  • Same for the other large Metropolises, such as Marseilles.

About the Cities/Towns in the list

  • Most of the Cities/Towns in the following list offer services & amenities comparable to those offered in metropolises.
  • Culture & Education are central policies, they all host a least 1 State University and in most cases private schools (‘Ecoles supérieurs’).
  • They all hold a Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, large-scale hospital linked to a university.
  • The transportation web is consistant & performant.
  • Real estate is reasonable & infrastructures are good.
  • Safety is also more sustainable assured, since they are less populated & the amount of agent per citizen is higher.

Why live in these Cities/Towns?

  • The Quality of Life & High is the atmosphere is highly desirable.
  • Most of them are close to the sea, the mountain, or both in some cases.
  • Climate is soft & the place is sunny most of the year. 
  • Environmental condition are superior to most of the country, wherever it is air quality carbon footprint, or low amount of hazardous industrial sites.
  • Waste management is greener & Cycling is becoming the norm.
  • The use of concrete is limited. 
  • Again, transportation is more modern & more up to date to the newest policies in terms of sustainable Urbanisme.
  • The TGV lines are dispatched to connect to airports.
  • The 4G cover is good.
  • The transition to 5G has began. 
  • Real estate is reasonably priced, wherever it is rental or buying.
  • Culture & Entertainment, including restoration, are on par with those of metropolises.
  • Education is the prior public policy, there’s a large choice of high schools & Universities.
  • It is easier to access to a general practitioner, a dentist, or other specialized medical practitioners.
  • Safety is assured, with access to many Police stations & Gendarmeries bureau.
  • Every one of them has at least 1 Precinct, and most of them have more than 3.

Why Work in these Cities/Towns?

  • Employment market is sturdy, with many new jobs offers flourishing.
  • Unemployment rate is low & is getting lower as more people move in.
  • Most white-collar jobs have a faster career progression.
  • Structures Financing businesses have a low barrier to entry.
  • Construction/Civil engineering & Real Estate are 2 of the biggest sectors that attract people creating a snowball effect: more people in, more buildings & roads needed.
  • Subsequently, Industrial & Retail Real Estate tend to see their prices rapidly diminish even if they are still consequent.
  • The same effect has not be witnessed yet on Office real estate, where Teleworking is an advantageous alternative.
  • There are more High-Tech companies than anywhere else in the country, compared to the number of inhabitant.
  • This enhances the development of sectors such as Web/Mobile development, Digital marketing & Graphic Design.
  • This encourages the implementation of Teleworking in companies.
  • There’s a large number of students & specializations are diversified, so are career paths. 
  • Young Bachelors & Masters degrees owners find a job easily.
  • R&D is rising. 
  • Most of the population is well-off & consumption rate is high, wherever is domestic or from tourists.
  • The number of hotels is high. 

The case of Rennes : an emerging metropolis

  • The top city of western France in term of Life Quality.
  • Almost 90% of Rennes inhabitants recommend their city to a person willing to move.
    • Housing is inexpensive.
    • Transportation may become more congested as Rennes becomes quite popular.
    • Atmosphere is great with high environmental quality, and a very clement climate.
  • A welcoming Employment market in most sectors.
    • Dynamism is high relatively to the rest of the country.
  • Cost of Life is low to medium depending on the district you live in.
  • Entertainment is diverse, and parks are plentiful.
    • Museums, Art galleries & Cinemas are promoted by the inhabitant and many value offers exist.
    • Restaurants & Snack bars are on par with those of metropolises.
  • Services are responsive & Infrastructures are of high quality.
    • The City possess a CHU & multiple Hospitals.
    • The University is one of the city’s pride.
    • Education is 1 of Rennes top strengths.

The Case of Lyon: Mature & Large and even more attractive

Jardins des Curiosités, Lyon
  • Lyon may be a tricky 1.
  • It quite a large metropolis, developed & presenting some issues of the larger metropolises (traffic, safety, pollution).
  • Even so, more than 80% of its inhabitant would recommend it to someone willing to move.
  • Another city with such high recommendation ratio is Strasbourg.
  • Strasbourg is an eastern France city, rapidly developing, close to the German border & highly integrated in the European development.
  • Meaning that the Lyonais (Lyon’s inhabitant) are highly confident in the attractiveness of their city.
  • It is still considered 1 of the best alternatives to Paris is you want to live in a metropolis.
  • Wherever you are a domestic or a foreign investor.
  • Multiple European & International have installed a division or a subsidiary in Lyon.
  • Lyon is a large metropolis which knows how to adapt to remain attractive.
  • Not as much as the emerging cities & town but more than the other metropolises.
  • Many entrepreneurs & experienced professionals, especially foreigners, may want to turn to Lyon for bigger businesses opportunities.

The case of Annecy: to keep in mind

  • Annecy possess an ideal geographical localisation.
  • The atmosphere & Climate are some of the best in France.
  • Unemployment is very low.
  • Buying power is very high.
  • This is partly due to the fact that a consequent wedge of its population is working in Swiss where salaries are globally higher.
  • Other Cities/Towns by the German/Swiss border function on a comparable model.
  • This capital injection tends to rise Real Estate’s prices but also population creating to the aforementioned snowballing effect.
  • So, we may see a rise of the Construction sector in Annecy in the upcoming years.